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I was perusing the library and noticed there were not many entries for the "Household" section of "Supplies for Your RV".? I have attached a Word document with a list that I hope will be beneficial for that area.


  • Supplies for your RV.doc
    48.5 KB · Views: 38
Thanks for that list. I'll get the library file updated, probably later today.
Thanks, Tom.  Since it won't get uploaded until later today, I will take the opportunity to add couple more items I thought of since I posted.  We may get suggestions from framily members of things I left off.  I will post an updated file later today.  I think it would be easier to copy and paste the whole list than to try to add items in the different categories.
I attached an updated document to my original message.
Thanks for the long list. The Supplies for your RV file in the library has been updated.

Since the list was intended to give the newcomer an idea of what to go out and buy to initially stock their RV, I omitted some of the "don't forget the bills and medications" kinda stuff that is contained in other checklists in the library.

Thanks again for filling in the blanks.
You are welcome.

Since computer/printer/scanner were removed (and understandably as this is not a must have or will be packed each time), you may want to remove the surge protector, ink cartridges and paper that support the equipment.

I was surprised to see the travel information removed as I would have thought the travel books, especially, TL and/or Woodall would have been a must buys for a new RVer and the Mountain Directory for anyone traveling in mountain regions.

Surprised by the removal of some other items, but as you said, they are probably on other checklists.
It's a judgement call and I could just as easily include some of the items I omitted. FWIW this started as an article for the newcomer to buy their first "RV supplies" and I envisioned a relatively short list. Amazing how these things can grow  ;D

Thanks again for your suggestions.
Maybe this could be broken down into "gotta have" supplies, "nice to have" supplies and "extras"? Like a sewer hose is pretty much a necessity but paper plates, while nice to have at times, I could make do without and computer items, while "gotta haves" for most of us really fall more into the "extras" category for most beginning RVers?
I thought about that Wendy, but was in a rush to head out. Along the same lines, D2 suggested that it might be nice to separate out the stuff that really are required by fulltimers vs part timers.

Lemme re-look at it during one of my late night moments.
If it was me (and thank goodness it's not), I'd start with the drop-dead, gotta have it list. If you go off in the RV and don't have these things, the entire trips is shot....husband, dog, water, at least one skillet, toilet paper.......
wendycoke said:
If it was me (and thank goodness it's not), I'd start with the drop-dead, gotta have it list. If you go off in the RV and don't have these things, the entire trips is shot....husband, dog, water, at least one skillet, toilet paper.......


Pressure Pro, satellite receiver, .............................etc, etc, etc  ;D ;D ;D

Remember, ".....older the boys.........."
Jeff, you would put the Pressure Pro in with satellite RV?  Everybody knows that TV is sooo much more important ::)
I envisioned a comprehensive list that folks could download/copy and customize to what they find essential depending on traveling goals, storage space and personal preferences.

For example, RVers who plan to take only weekend trips probably would not find that most of the office supplies would fall under the essential category so they could delete them from their list. 
D2 said:
I envisioned a comprehensive list that folks could download/copy and customize to what they find essential depending on traveling goals, storage space and personal preferences.

They can still do that. I think that what we're talking about here is the difference between a shopping list (which it was intended to be) and a "don't forget to take-along" list, which we already have in the library.

If I bought a new RV I wouldn't necessarily need to buy pet bowls and pet food but, if I had a pet, I'd sure need to take those things along. If I bought a new RV I wouldn't need to buy a new laptop computer, but I never go anywhere without mine. OTOH I might need to buy a surge protector to leave in the RV for the times I take along my laptop, so I left that one in.

Hope these examples help to clarify the intent.
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