Advise on the best way to GET Dyna beads?

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2012
Now that we found our unicorn, we know we need tires and will go through FMCA's Advantage program...  Does anyone know the cheapest and or fastest way to get Dyna Beads?  Doesn't seem like tire shops carry them.  Do y'all just order them and pay shipping and then take them in to the tire shop with you?
That's pretty much the only way unless the dealer sells and installs them himself. Most, however, carry the Equal brand (powder) instead. I would have preferred Dynabeads when I changed tires last time, but the dealer had Equal so I went with that. More convenient for me at the time, but now I'm having trouble with a tire valve that is stuck open.
Gary RV Roamer said:
That's pretty much the only way unless the dealer sells and installs them himself. Most, however, carry the Equal brand (powder) instead. I would have preferred Dynabeads when I changed tires last time, but the dealer had Equal so I went with that. More convenient for me at the time, but now I'm having trouble with a tire valve that is stuck open.

Thank you Gary,
We've heard too many problems with the equal.  Thinking we will just get the Dyna Beads ordered.
Here is an online place that sells the dyna beads.

I use these in my harley tires, I like them a lot but haven't used them in my car tires.
I too had bad valve leaks with Equal. No problems with Dyna beads. Call around different commercial tire dealers in the area, I would think someone would have them.
We've used Equal in our motorhome tires for over 10 years and never had a problem.  The only time there is a problem is when the installer doesn't use the correct valve stems or you don't use dry air for filling.  The latter isn't a real big problem, but if the wrong stems are used, then the powder can stick in the valve.  Every incident of leaks that I know of has been the result of using the wrong valve stems.  Equal has been used by truckers for years and millions of trouble free miles.  That said, we will probably use DynaBeads next time, if I remember to order them :)

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