Air Compressor Problem

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Larry N.

Well-known member
May 26, 2010
Westminster, Colorado
In addition to the air compressor run by the engine for brakes and such, there is an auxiliary air compressor near the rear wheels for times when you don't run the engine for extended periods. It has now decided to run almost all the time (it goes off after running the engine brings pressure up over, perhaps, 115-120 psi). The shop just called to tell me the air compressor itself is bad, and it's around $1000 to replace it.

If anyone knows about these systems, and can tell me that there is a pressure sensor or some such that can be replaced, I'd appreciate hearing about it.

First guess for me is that you have air suspension and that you have a suspension system air compressor which is what you hear running. My compressor is up front, but Beaver put them in different places on different models. There have been reports of the check valve on some rigs being put in on the wrong side of the pressure switch, which makes the compressor run more often than it needs to. You MAY (no guarantee) be able to turn off the suspension/leveling system and get the pump to turn off, telling you what the pump is (is for). Then have a good look at where the pressure switch is, in relation to the check valve and make sure it's on the correct side.

Our coach has one of these air compressors. It is installed to maintain air pressure for the air leveling system and keep the coach level when parked. Our system is an HWH with air and hydraulic leveling. The compressor is usually made by  Thomas Division of Gardner Denver - Sheboygan, WI. The compressors used in RVs sell for $150-300. Sounds to me like some one is trying to rip you off. Check your leveling system. If it's air, call the manufacturer and tell them about your problem. I had to replace my compressor about two years ago and paid about  $149. Did the work myself with no problems.

I just looked up your profile. You have a Beaver. So do we. I'd give HWH a call tomorrow and ask for tech support. Tell them about your compressor and ask where it's controlled. If it runs, I bet it's the switch some where in the HWH system.

The compressor is exactly what Chet describes. The problem isn't trying to guess why it's there, but to find out why it now runs waaaay too much (this only started recently).


My air/hydraulic leveling system is Power Gear, and the compressor appears to be mounted over the rear wheels. It's tough getting under there to see what's going on, but I can sort of see it through the wheel well. Thanks for the comments -- I now have some additional things I can check. I appreciate it. And, I suspected that a grand is way too high for that job, so that's why I declined having them do anything.
Larry, I was going through some of my old maintenance records on our Beaver and can across the receipt of the air compressor replacement I did in 2010. I bought the compressor from CFP, Combined Fluid Products in Lake Zurich, IL, 847-540-0054. It cost $300.76, including FedEx charges. I recall shortly after that coming across a cheaper source, but can't remember where it was.
Thanks, Chet -- it's cold, and the snow isn't quite melted around the rig yet, but I need to figure out how to actually get to the compressor -- it seems to be above the center line between the drive axle and the tag axle (at least I see a tank there) -- before I actually buy anything, but I'll make note of what you found.


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