Air conditioning cleaning

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Active member
Aug 3, 2016
Nashville TN
Looks like I am going to have to get up on the roof to clean the evaporator coils, as I can't get to them from below.
I am a little concerned about the roof, mainly because of my size not the condition of the roof.

I am 6'2" and 270#s.
Can the roof generally support me as long as I try to stay on the joist?
You should be fine. But if you are still concerned, go to Home Depot and buy a 1/2" X 4' X 4' piece of plywood and have them rip in in half.  2' X 4'.  Then just lay them down in front of you as you navigate the roof.
Your Size?  I'm over 300 pounds. Sean is at least as big as I am and when we replaced the blower motor in one of my Carrier's (now defunct) we were both up on the roof.. AT THE SAME TIME.

Just walk carefully the first time up. if you feel any "Soft Spots" you may have concern. But I'm up on mine at least 3 or 4 times a year and it's 13 years old.
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