Air Force One brake light indicator

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Dec 9, 2012
Fort Worth, Tx
SMI AFO comes with a diode brake light indicator to be mounted on the dash of the toad (Jeep GC).  I find this difficult to see in bright sunlight either on the dash of the toad or the monitor screen in the MH.  Where do most put the diode monitor?  I would think putting it on the dash of the MH would be better. I want to know when those brakes are activated!  Any advice or experience is appreciated.
If you are talking about the three light LED that SMI mounted for me they mounted it on the top arm of my towbar and it showed up as a bright glow in our rear camera. I added wiring to run it through our wiring harness to the m/h dash that worked much better.
While that indicator is required in many states, I have not found its value on my SMI installation. They wanted to mount mine at the car's rear view mirror but I would have to keep switching the camera to see that.

Remotely mounting the lights in the coach dash panel would seem a reasonable compromise.

I check the brake actuation at startup and would have to be educated on the value of the light past that.
skyking4ar2 said:
While that indicator is required in many states, I have not found its value on my SMI installation. They wanted to mount mine at the car's rear view mirror but I would have to keep switching the camera to see


This is the first time I have heard that a indicator light is required for toad brakes. Have you read that in any official state requirements?
Mine was mounted on my rear view mirror..what a pain when I step on the brakes at night when I'm driving the car.  I want to cut the wires but I'm afraid it might voic something.  I'll just duct tape over it.

Just arrived in Ocala 74 degrees niiiiiiiiice.  Tomorrow Naples..

I am still looking for that citation. I would have either picked it up taking the Texas Class B Non Commercial test or possibly from SMI. There are some federal citations about having a brake failure indicator for trailers in the Federal DOT, and its a bit ambiguous about whether a car is a trailer, but I have not yet found the item that caught my eye.

Tin man said:
Mine was mounted on my rear view mirror..what a pain when I step on the brakes at night when I'm driving the car.  I want to cut the wires but I'm afraid it might voic something.  I'll just duct tape over it.
Ours had a plug inline to allow the indicator light to be disconnected when not towing. Follow the wiring back from the light and you might find one. You sure do not want it coming on while driving at night.
Our indicator light is mounted on the back of the rear view mirror in the toad and shows up in the camera.  We don't drive at night in Mexico so that doesn't matter much and I don't even mind that little light coming on when not attached to motor home.  Makes someone in front of  you wonder what's going on!
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