alignment cost

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2015
I have a 26' duel axle travel trailer that has unusual tire wear on the outside of all four tires. I was told to get an alignment and also have the axles checked to see if they are bent, so I am asking readers what the cost of this service might be in the Phoenix area.
I suggest you call around some truck shops or a trailer service specialty shop if there are any near you.  Checking the alignment is a matter of taking some measurements, but fixing it can be anywhere from simple to major. Generally, though, it takes the equipment of a heavy duty chassis specialist and therefore probably a truck alignment shop.
First determine if your axles are torsion axles or if they are mounted on springs (sprung axles). If Torsion axles, they are not normally adjustable or repairable as the common failure on a torsion axle causing abnormal tire wear is a bent axle spindle.
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