Also new to rv forum...

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dandt said:
We are just at the looking serious stage for a Class A rv.

Welcome to the RV Forum.  We are glad you found us.  Please join in the ongoing discussions, start new discussions, or ask any questions you might have relating to the RVing lifestyle. 

You have found the right place to ask questions and gain from others experience.  Hope you enjoy the RV Forum.
Welcome aboard, dandt.  You've come to the right for friendly advice and future companionship when you purchase an Rv and get on the road.  Feel free to ask questions and join in the discussions.

What part of the country do you live in?  Will you be vacationing in this Rv or are you considering living full time?
Living in full-time 3-4 months of the year. Leaving snow country(northern California) for warmer weather for the winters. Looks like we are heading out on Sunday to do the big purchase! Really excited....but now I'm sure the questions will start rolling in. First major question is...We are considering spending some time in Yuma Arizona and was looking at RV parks and they are all for 55+
We are only 48 and 49, are they really strict on age...we have no kids or grandkids, just want a nice park with facilities when we plan on staying there for a while.
Hi Dandt,

Congratulations on your new to be purchase.

I wouldn't worry too much about the age considerations. Not sure about AZ but in FL they have to allow a certain percentage of "under age" adults into the community. I personally think the rule is to keep out a lot of younger families that might disrupt the peace and quiet us "older folks" like to enjoy. :) I would check with any park under consideration to be sure they do allow younger adults.

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