Android Apps Incompatible?

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Steve CDN

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2005
I purchased my first inexpensive tablet, a Samsung Galaxy Tab? 2 7.0 (Wi-Fi) 8GB to acquaint myself with tablet usage.

One of the functions I was hoping for was to be able to do mobile baking operations with my bank's app, but the following message prevents installation:

This app is incompatible with your Samsung GT-P3113.

In checking apps from other banks, some apps are compatible with this tablet while others are not.

What determines compatibility for banking apps?  Is it a limitation of the tablet, do I need a tablet with specific features do some banks not allow Wi-Fi tablets to be used for mobile banking?

Here are the specs of the tablet I got:

Model: GT-P3113TSYXAR

Samsung Galaxy Tab? 2 7.0 (Wi-Fi) 8GB
This compact 7 inch tablet is designed to improve your entertainment on the road and at home. Access thousands of movies, music and TV shows wherever you go. With Smart Remote and built-in IR Blaster, you can watch and control your TV content, all from the palm of your hand. Plus, it uses the most powerful Android? system yet ? Ice Cream Sandwich.
Dual-core processor, Android? 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich
Internal 8GB; External MicroSD card slot supports up to 32GB
Resolution 1024 x 600
Display Type: TFT (provides the best LCD flat panel display)
Wireless Internet WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, WiFi Direct
Camera: 3MP rear-facing, VGA front-facing
>mobile baking operations ????

I have an account with Amazon and with Google Play. Once registered there you can shop for apps and on every app description page is a notice that will tell you if the app is compatible with your Android device. So yes, there are different flavors of Android. A lot of times compatibility is a function of screen size. Some apps don't scale up to larger screens.
Most tablets, with the exception of the Google Nexus models, will have some modifications to the Android OS and those can sometimes make them incompatible with certain apps.  Other apps are designed for smartphones and won't work on tablets, and vice versa.  Or the tablet may be missing a hardware feature than the app requires.  For example, GPS apps won't work on a tablet with a GPS chip.  Contact your bank and ask them why their app won't work on the tablet and if they have tablet version available.
I'm also learning there amy be issues with screen size or resolution.  I'll call the bank tomorrow or Tuesday when their offices are open.

Thanks Ned!
One of the things that may make them incompatable is which desert they serve up.

(Android versions tend to have Ice Cream Desert Names)  I wil make up one or two here.

Assuming "hot fudge sundy" is more advanced than "Ice Cream Sandwich" An app written for HFS, won't run on ICS  The reverse may also be true but it is way more likely it will work.

It may be you have an older operating system.

I see this in Firefox extensions as well, Soething writend for FF-10 wont' run on FF-11 and the other way around.

I don't know very much about how Android OS works, if they are backward compatible, but the app info is:

October 20, 2012
1.6 and up

and this device is  Android? 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich
John, oops, I meant Steve, judging from the info you cut and pasted it should work. It appears that app was just released October 20 so maybe it will be updated again soon which may allow it to work. The tablet you bought is a pretty good one and is using a recent version of the operating system. Jelly bean is the most recent but that should not matter with this app.

Many times new apps have bugs that get resolved over time. In the meantime you may try doing the banking w/o the app by just connecting via the Internet on the tablet. Your bank may have a mobile friendly website. Don't forget security.
Thanks Dave!  I've returned thea Galaxy tablet and will replace it with an Asus tablet.  Will let you know if that works better.

I've reported the problem to the bank, and will see if they provide any answers.
If the bank app is designed exclusively for a phones smaller screen size, getting a different tablet won't help. When I got my first 10" Motorola tablet 18 months ago, screen size and aspect ratio was a common problem when trying to use a phone app on a tablet. Nowadays most app designers have learned how to design in a way that scales up better, but maybe your bank app hasn't been upgraded yet.

I currently have a 7" Galaxy Tab 2 and a 10" Moto Xoom in addition to a Droid phone and most all apps work fine on all three. I haven't seen a compatibility issue in nearly a year.
Steve said:
Whatever the problem was in the first instance with the Galaxy tablet, it was not an issue with the new, replacement tablet I got, Asus Infinity TF700T

Thanks to evryone who provided input.

Which according to the reviews is probably the best android tablet on the market right now.  Asus makes some really impressive stuff.  Considering no one had ever heard of them 5 years ago, except geeks who built their own stuff.
Thanks Donn!  I've been really impressed with it's overall performance, it's looks, durability and display.

The keyboard (shipped separately) is expected tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to trying it.

Even full view websites are easy to navigate on the 10" display.

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