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New member
Jul 18, 2005
west branch, michigan usa
Hi all, I came here searching for recomandations to repair an old rubber roof repair. I have a 30' Jayco travel trailer(1998). Shortly after bringing it home (when it was new) I caught a corner of aluminum siding on the under side  overhang (roof) of my house as I was parking the RV along side of the house. It cut a nice, straight 5' gash in the rubber roof. The repair was done by the dealer and it has held nicely since but it is just beginning to show signs of separation. Does anyone out there have any suggestions on how to re-do the repair?
Thanks in advance,
Chris :'(
Welcome to the RV Forum.  We are glad you found us.  Please join in the ongoing discussions, start new discussions, or ask any questions you might have relating to the RVing lifestyle. 

I have heard of folks that have made small repairs to rubber roofs with a product called EternaBond available at camping world in repair kits and in 35 ft rolls.

I have used a version of the Eternabond that Ron mentioned on a shed roof. A friend has used it on a fiberglass roof on an RV. I believe the company gurantees it for 10 years. I would check into it and see if it will work on rubber. I believe Lowe's home repair centers also carries a version of Eternabond. Home Depot probably does as well.


Check out this prior discussion of rubber roof repair here in the forum. It might give you a few tips.
[edit]Fixed incorrect link.[/edit]
I agree - Eternabond tape is the way to go. The stuff is amazing!  It is sometimes sold in Rv stores as a "Rubber roof repair kit" and those kits are probably enough if the tear is only 5 inches.  It also comes in rolls of about 35 feet and 50 feet, which would give you plenty extra in case there is a future problem.

See  or Camping World.
Thanks Ron, Jim, Tom and Gary for your comments. Tom I clicked on your link and it went to "Bonsai Gallery" ? I'll check out Eternabond and Gary I have a 5 foot gash, not 5 inches. I wish it was a 5 inch gash!
cchrysler said:
I clicked on your link and it went to "Bonsai Gallery" ?

Oops, sorry, that link was a remnant in my clipboard. Here's the correct link. I also went back and modified the link in my earlier message so it doesn't confuse someone else.
cchrysler said:
Thanks Ron, Jim, Tom and Gary for your comments. Tom I clicked on your link and it went to "Bonsai Gallery" ? I'll check out Eternabond and Gary I have a 5 foot gash, not 5 inches. I wish it was a 5 inch gash!


If the gash isn't too wide Eternabond will still work. It also comes in various widths. I have seen it up to 6" wide.

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