Another new member!

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New member
Mar 30, 2005
New Port Richey, Florida
Hello, my name is Richard and I have been rving for about 13 years. First with an old 1971 pop-up, then i met Cindy and we bought a 28' Titan class A. We just recently purchased what may be our last motor home. A 1981 Vintage Bird. It is a 35' Wanderlodge by Blue-Bird and we love it. We mostly go to bluegrass festivals and pick ins and use the "bird" for vacations.
Richard welcome to our friendly forum. We have a few Bluebird owners here, so you're in good company. Feel free to jump into any discussions of start one of your own.
Hi Richard,

Welcome to the RV Forum Framily.  We are glad you found us.  We have at least three Blue-Bird owners in the framily.  Please join in any of the discussions or start a new discussion. Please feel free ot ask questions or answer questions posted by others.  Thank You for joining us.
Hi Richard and welcome to the RV Forum.  We are happy to see you here and hope that you makke this one of your regtuar hang-outs on line.  As others have said, feel free to ask any questions yoou may have or jump into a conversation with your comments.
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