Any current or……..

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Mr Lars

Well-known member
Mar 17, 2021
Coleman, TX
former employee’s of Southland Corp.? My late Father was employed in the dairies division for 20+ years, trying to remember all the names of the dairies that Southland Corp. owned. Bancroft Dairy, Madison Wi., iirc, Hawthorn Melody, possibly Velda Farms, Miami Fla. I know there were near half dozen dairies around the country Southland owned. If I’m not mistaken, all the logo’s used a 3 pedal flower on the packaging.
Is that the same Southland Corp that became 7-11, or some other with a similar name. I see (via Google) that there was a dairy equipment form names Southland and a farmers co-op with that name.
Is that the same Southland Corp that became 7-11, or some other with a similar name. I see (via Google) that there was a dairy equipment form names Southland and a farmers co-op with that name.
I don't think so. The 7-11 Southland Corp was out of Texas, and pretty much always more into convenience store business, though they did have a big foot in the Dairy business, as well.
I think you need to have some better notion of who this Southland Corp was to get any meaningful responses. Otherwise you might get replies from thousands of ex 7-11 store clerks. :rolleyes:
I think you need to have some better notion of who this Southland Corp was to get any meaningful responses. Otherwise you might get replies from thousands of ex 7-11 store clerks. :rolleyes:
7-11 started from ice and milk retail stores run by Southland Corporation. Probably related to if not the same as the dairy operator.
It was at one time, all under the same corporate umbrella, 7-11, Citgo Petroleum(50%), and a group of dairy processing plants around the country.

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