Yes. We just purchased a 2017 Viper27V from Elkhart factory and brought it home 6/23/17. It currently sits in our driveway with less than miles on it with electrical issues, CO2 monitor issues, and possible Ford E450 chassis issues. What started out to be rebuilding a dream for myself and my wife who is recovering from Stage 4 cancer is now slowly becoming a nightmare. We liked the Viper 27V floor plan, the factory and its people, and Sales was vey helpful. We stayed the night at factory to identify any issues which were taken care of by factory personnel before leaving. Now Nexus states they will stand behind their warrantees, but be aware as the Buyer you are at their mercy of getting any necessary maintenance done since they rely totally on local vendors to fix issues. We have a coach that started out with electric fault outlets kicking out upon starting generator to now being told by Nexus Service Tech that the Onan generator with a Fault 27 will need to be replaced. I have an Onan dealer within 50 miles of my East Central Illinois home that will evaluate the issue, but not until August 4. I have had this coach into a local Ford dealer trying to analyze the engine fault codes. Nothing could be found so computer reset to see if fault codes reappear, but have not been able to utilize the coach to due generator and CO2 monitor issues.
The saga will continue and the coach sits at home until August 4th. Then who knows how long it will set at Onan dealer. With what I have read and been told by other Service Centers a generator Fault 27 will lead to finger pointing between Onan and the Nexus factory.