Any experience with ProTrek by Southwestre Extended Warranty

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New member
Aug 7, 2012
HI - I'm wondering if anyone has an Extended Warranty from Southwestre. The warranty name is ProTrek. I understand there are varying opinions on whether Extended Warranties are worthwhile. In this case, I'd like to hear any experience anyone has had that did decide to get a ProTrek warranty.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

06 Tiffin Phaeton 35DH
I cannot speak about Pro-Tech specifically, however, when we purchased our 2007 Monaco we did buy the extended warranty that was offered. We bought our coach through a dealer and neither of us are mechanically inclined. Our sail teaches diesel mechanics at a college and we had him church out that part of the coach...the mechanicals b4 purchase. I will also admit we bought our unit more with our hearts than heads (everything forum members warn newbies about!) but have been, for the most part very happy with our purchase. Having the extended warranty in place has been a true blessing b/c as you might expect, there have been some issues with the coach. I can't imagine getting a 'used' unit without an extended warranty. I've learned soooo much from the forum folks; wish I'd known about this forum b4 purchase. At least now I know what to look for and how best to deal with things as they occur and travel with a lot more confidence!  Sorry to be so long winded.

Linda :D
Thanks for the reply Linda! Funny to hear you have the Monaco. We had narrowed our choices to a Cayman XL and the Phaeton that we ultimately landed on. We want to get a warranty for at least a couple years, so we have time to use it and make sure there are no hidden issues. The warranty we are looking at requires regular maintenance to be done by a Certified Service Center. Since my husband is mechanically inclined, we'd prefer to get one that allows you to do the work and keep records.  I'm working with Wholesale Warranties, so the cost is a bit lower than the ones the dealer sells, but still a big chunk of change.

Another we are wondering if anyone has had experience with is Interstate Star Exclusionary policy that is Administered by National Dealer Services.

Is that wholesale warranties available to everyone? I'm wondering b/c hour's is a 3 year deal, and like you, we figured we be able to identify any major problems with the coach by then, have taken enough trips to be sure this is what we really wanted to do in retirement, and still have some protection. We've been taking our unit to CW for maintenance & repairs b/c that was where we bought it. We'd like to find another service center but are afraid who to trust. I'm just thinking ahead...wondering if an 'extended warranty' will still be available to us once the coach is is 6 years old.
When we bought our Winnebago I negotiated the extended warranty along with the price of the RV. The debate is if you were to put the money aside instead of buying the warranty would you be better off.  If I'd paid full price I wouldn't be better off, however once I lowered the price we bought it, and looking back with about 1 year left I'm now money ahead.  The premature death of our fridge alone nearly paid for the extended warranty, then the converter and door lock have combined to put us money ahead.

In our case, we don't full time and I have a good relationship with my dealer.  So buying the one they recommended and supported made sense, plus they negotiated on the price.  I believe it's through protective Asset Protection's XtraRide.
Thanks for the info.

Yes, is available to consumers. From what I can tell, they are some of the same warranties the dealers use, but at a lower cost.


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