Any magic to changing a door lock on a 5er?

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2009
Schaumburg, Illinois
My wife and I are currently in Ocala Florida and came back to the trailer yesterday only to find we couldn't get in because I could not put the key in the deadbolt all the way. After trying unsuccessfully for a while, including WD40, a small blade screwdriver, paper clip and lots of swearing, I finally reached a local guy who, while he doesn't work 24 hours a day, agreed to come to our site to help us open the door. Kudos to Terry Anderson from A & A Mobile RV and Trailer Repair Service. After about 10 minutes of playing with the lock, he was able to move a tumbler that moved and prevented using the key. We got in and he said we shouldn't have any more problems.
Famous last words. I haven't tried the lock yet today but I looked at it and it looks like 4 screws on the inside of the door and 2 in the jamb edge. Doesn't look like a big deal as I've installed lock sets in house doors before.
What am I missing in my logic??????
BruceinFL said:
Simple job to change the lock...even I can do it. Now if you want a better lock, check out this one:
I'm not sure I'd trust their implementation.  They have this to say about the security:
Whats the purpose of having a lock if everyone has the same key? RVLock encompasses over a million cominations making it impossible for someone to compromise your trailer. With high quality steel construction, reinforcing the parts of the lock that are easily compromised, our RVLock is much heavier duty. You will not only see but will feel the difference compared to your current locking handle.
Having 'over a million cominations' doesn't mean squat if their implementation isn't secure.  Remote keyless entry systems on cars are fairly easy to compromise, I doubt this one is any better.  And reinforcing the 'parts' doesn't mean much either, due to the materials and goals of RV construction (light weight being highly desirable) a pry-bar is all that's necessary to get into them.  They state this lock will make it impossible for someone to compromise your trailer, easily provable falsehood.
DUH! ??? Show me an RV (other than maybe a BUS) that you can't get into with the right sized pry bar.  The best of RV locks won't stop someone intent on getting in. ....and the door is not the only way in either.
Just Lou said:
DUH! ??? Show me an RV (other than maybe a BUS) that you can't get into with the right sized pry bar.  The best of RV locks won't stop someone intent on getting in. ....and the door is not the only way in either.
Indeed.. so why spend extra dollars on a fancy lock.  I suppose if you want the keyless entry feature, then it make sense.  Their marketing hyperbole makes me really suspect their qualifications.
Replacing a lock on most RV's is a simple job most are capable of.  I replaced mine with a RVLock.  It is a better lock than the original and we love not having to carry keys with us. We use the Wireless Keypad that can be added.  Yes a crowbar will open the trailer but there is not a lock made that would protect a trailer from a crowbar.  Locks only keep honest people honest!
Just Lou said:
DUH! ??? Show me an RV (other than maybe a BUS) that you can't get into with the right sized pry bar.  The best of RV locks won't stop someone intent on getting in. ....and the door is not the only way in either.

Right. So why not just leave the door and hatches unlocked and a sign posted to that effect. ? That way, your door wouldn't be damaged by a pry bar. :)
Famous last words. I haven't tried the lock yet today but I looked at it and it looks like 4 screws on the inside of the door and 2 in the jamb edge. Doesn't look like a big deal as I've installed lock sets in house doors before.
What am I missing in my logic?

Based on a neighbor's description given to me just yesterday, you aren't missing anything!!!!! That is exactly what is needed, the whole unit, handle and all, comes out from the outside once the screws are removed. Check those screw heads though, you will likely need a "star" screwdriver.
I know my Tri-Mark is 4 screws on the inside, not sure about the 2 in the jamb.  Not much to it.

If it is a tri-mark and if the problem is a broken striker bolt you might see if s metal smith nearby can carve you a new bolt out of something better than what tri-mark used,,, About the only thing WORSE than what tri mark used would be Jello.

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