Any RV Pen turners

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I didn't know there was such a thing until I was involved in a high altitude balloon launch and a guy placed some rectangles of wood in the payload. He made what he called space pens out of them, since this wood had technically traveled well above earth (~100kft). I thought that was pretty novel.

Mark B.
Albuquerque, NM
My DW bought me a lathe about 10 years ago and I use to take it to FL to have something to do while there. Shuffleboard is not my thing in a Campground. I’ve made quite a few pens over the years. I use to take it back and forth from NH because I was able to transport it in the back of my truck while towing my fifth wheel. We stopped towing about 5 years ago. Now I don’t have room in my car to transport it so it stays home in NH so it doesn’t get used anymore. I’ve been thinking about selling it.
I’ve also made some salt and pepper shakers which came out real good. I use to get my supplies from Penn State Industries.
Not me, but have met many along our travels. Usually they set up a canopy and work on them. Sell them at the Park craft fairs etc. Understand the exterior turning, not sure about how to hollow them out, juessing a drill bit stationary and drive int the turning blank? Woodworking supply stores seem to be best source for blanks.
I've turned a few...and sold a few over the years. I've done a number of them out of deer antler. In fact, a long-time family friend (who was an avid deer hunter) died and his son sent me several deer antlers and commissioned me to do eight or ten antler pens for family members.

Lately all I've done is graduation gift pens for the grandkids. I have them laser engraved with their name, school name and graduation year as a memento of their college careers.

Pens - Samford.jpg
I asked this question because I am new to the topic. My former wife's daughter is a pen-turner and has made a few pens for me. Her husband creates small guitars alongside his father. I have always enjoyed working with wood, but my skill level is primarily focused on indoor and outdoor construction projects, such as barns, sheds, bookcases, and other items that don't require polishing—though some did need painting. I also enjoy working with locks and small electrical projects. Pen turning sounds fun, so I thought I would ask about it since I recently came across a group of fellow RV enthusiasts who participate in art shows and display their artwork.
space pens out of them
I do my best to avoid pens that do not have a space cartridge in them. The last time I had to use mine was yesterday at the restaurant in Verdi, NV (CA NV border). I first tried their pen to sign the credit card, wouldn't write, so I use the space pen I always carry with me, always writes on any service, can be used upside down, under water, even if boiling water, in freezing temps, etc. Just writes every time, not picky about anything. Works well form -30°F to +250°F. I cannot stand to use any other type of pens. IMAO, the only reliable pen is the space pen.

-Don- Reno, NV
Personally i prefer turning ceiling fan pulls, chess pieces, tool handles, and peppermills.

You will want a good shop vac setup and grinding wheel plus attachments to keep the blades sharp.

Penn state industries is a good resource.

Lots of turning kits and accessories. They used to sell a good inexpensive shop vacuum setup but dont see that anymore.

The hobby can be more expensive than it first apoears once you add in all the chucks and accessories.

If you want to make your own blanks it helps to have a larger bandsaw and a drill press helps ut you can use a lathe with the right accessories for the drilling.

It is a fun hobby but do your research to figure out what you want to do long term so you dont buy the wrong gear. They sell lathes specifically to make pens but they can be too small to do other types of projects.

I have this lathe with an extension and it works well. Variable speed and reversible are very useful features. Dont know if it is still available for sale

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