Anybody else watching Amazing Race this season? It's all USA

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Well-known member
May 19, 2005
Endicott, NY
We watch almost no TV except maybe news, however, Amazing Race has really captured our attention.? This season is with families of 4 and so far is strictly in the US.? So far they have been to NYC, NJ, Lancaster and Washington DC.? Can't wait to see where they'll go next. It's neat to see them try to find places we have actually been to!? Later.

BTW, I have absolutely no financial interest in this enterprise.? Just a loyal viewer.
Nope.  But the Admiral and I are HUGE fans of Survivor.  We have seen every Survivor episode since the very beginning.  Yeah we are nuts.  :eek:
Smoky said:
Nope.? But the Admiral and I are HUGE fans of Survivor.? We have seen every Survivor episode since the very beginning.? Yeah we are nuts.? ?:eek:

We watched the first few seasons of Survivor religiously but I eventually lost interest in it.  After a while they all seem the same to me.  Since Amazing Race goes to so many different places, each with its own challenges, it has staying power for me.  Different strokes.  :)
Ads for Amazing Race say it's all "North America" so they could hit Canada....maybe no overseas because of the kids? We are huge fans of Survivor and Amazing Race, also American Idol. But then, we're TV junkies and not ashamed to admit it. Of course, I wouldn't want to "see the USA" the way the folks on Amazing Race are seeing (or NOT seeing the US).


I like the human interaction between the individuals in Survivor.  The group dynamics sometimes reach awesome proportions.  I find that in the Amazing Race, most of the interactions are within the paired team and not so much between teams.'

In all of these shows I enjoy how we start off with complete strangers and by the end of the series we feel we almost know each one as a personal friend.

Lots of our friends in real life think these shows suck, so we have learned not to say much about our viewing habits lol.  ;D  It is nice to run across some friends here in the forum who are as nuts as we are heheh.
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