Anyone for a Carnival cruise?

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Jan 13, 2005
Two Carnival cruises have ended in unexpected results. The Costa Concordia was obviously a disaster, with loss of life after running aground. The latest Carnival Triumph fiasco doesn't bode well for the company.

I procrastinated on taking Chris on a cruise for 20 years, until friends invited us and another couple along for their "anniversary cruise". The girls entertained themselves all day, while the other guys would get on deck in the morning and buy a bucket of beer. When the bucket was empty, they'd buy another. This wasn't my idea of cruising, and I was glad I'd upgraded to a balcony room.

This was a Princess cruise, and we experienced an unsavory moment with one of the contract folks aboard. My emails to Princess went unanswered, although they repeatedly flooded my mailbox with spam.

I don't plan to take another cruise any time soon!

I guess we were lucky.  Sue Anne and I have been on several Carnival cruises pretty uneventful.  And yes I got a balcony too, I really liked sitting out on the patio with a cup of coffee in the mornings and a soda in the evening.

But that was quite awhile for those folks to be on that ship with no amenities.  Still why bitch, there is only so much that can be done.
Been on 3, all with Carnival. Had a great time, every time. They certainly aren't having good luck recently.
What they do for the passengers of the Triumph will be the deciding factor for many cruisers.
Being we now own a land yacht, it probably will be some time before we hit the high seas again. :)
I had looked at it for a short time but for the amount of money for 7 days I can camp an entire summer with beer and have enough left for food. I think it would be beautiful but I also think its hard to beat a good campground a cold brew and good neighbors.
Took the kids & grandkids on a Disney Cruise about 10 years ago and DW on an Alaska Cruise for our 50th anniversary last September. We really enjoyed both cruises but it may have been more about who I was with on the cruise. I am glad that I went, but it might be one of those "Been there...Done that" things. 

However...the price should be right for going now.
Maybe they should stop playing the commercial that tries to convince people that a cruise is better than camping! (the one with the couple trapped in the car surrounded by a bear and mountain lion).
it may have been more about who I was with on the cruise

That's how we felt about our one cruise Frank. We thoroughly enjoy the company of the two other couples, although I passed on the morning beers.
Been on 5 cruises(4 Royal Caribbean and 1 Disney) and have enjoyed them all.  I do know a couple that was on the Triumph the cruise before this one and they had engine problems on that cruise.  They lost half power on the way back and were 7 hours late getting back.  It messed up everyone's travel plans and there were lots of folks at the dock waiting to get on for the next cruise.  Quite a sight, according to our friends.

Periodically you hear of cruise ships having to return to port early because hundreds of passengers and crew got sick. That possibility scares me.
I've been on probably 10 cruises.  Carnival was about 7 of them.  Never had a problem.  We are going to Bermuda in May on Royal Caribbean.

Our best cruising was on our own sailboat to the Bahamas and the Caribbean, but that 42 foot boat turned into a 40 foot coach.
We took a Royal Caribbean cruise to Alaska many years back. Fortunately, most of the time there was shoreline and some wild life to see, and we had a good time -- we sat up on the observation deck, almost all day. During the "full day at sea" each way I was bored to tears, since we don't do gambling and most "comics" today aren't. There just wasn't anything to do. The food and service was great, and there were many things to see and do except on those two days.

I can't imagine me (DW yes, but not me) on more typical cruises where the only time there is something to do is when you make port. And the thought of something like Carnival ran into  :mad: :( :eek:
My husband said he was trapped on a "cruise" ship going to Vietnam, packed in like sardines.  He got his arm cut by someone, my husband gets along with everyone so can't even imagine.  He said they stood in line for food and everything, said never again.  He says I don't see the enjoyment but DD and I do and we go.

Just think with every breakdown and problem with your RV if you gave up you likely would on day 1.  I've had people say I wouldn't mess with one of those things.  Doesn't bother us, well until something like an engine would give out I suppose.
Ernie Ekberg said:
No way Jose'
Thats why I have a coach

I'm with Ernie.  The only cruise I'm taking is a land cruise on the SS Frizlefrak.  :)

I've had friends try to talk me into going on a cruise.  Wifey doesn't like boats, I'm not fond of crowds, and forests suit me better than oceans. 
The wife and I started cruise ship cruising 20 some years ago on a small 800 passenger ship. Back when soda pop was free in all the guest areas and you had the option of paying cash for alcoholic drinks and determining your own tip for the staff. If you wanted to gamble, Bingo was played twice a day, there were no other gambling devices aboard. Cruising, except for alcohol and shoreside trips was an all inclusive deal.

We continued to cruise 7 or 8 trips and our last was to Alaska on the maiden Alaska voyage of the Sun Princess. A modern ship with gas turbine engines, so no smoke out the stack, and pod drives which meant no anchoring, the boat simply hovered if it wasn't it's turn to get the dock. Unfortunately with all the conveniences came the dislikes, everything must be charged to your "ships card". You could not bring your own bottle aboard for a drink on your balcony. Your soda was charged for along with a convenient tip, predetermined by the cruise line. The cozy atmosphere turned into a 3700 person city with all the noise and crowds associated with it. Stand in line to be seated for dinner, stand in line to see the nightly show, sign up two days in advance for the trivia contest or not get a spot.

So, we motorhome in the winter where it's warm. We take our own boat in the summer where we set the pace, and we're much happier. If I want to pinch the waitress's butt in my boat she doesn't mind. And the cabin steward in my MH gets good privledges.

We really enjoyed a Holland America cruise to Alaska a few years ago, aboard MS Westerdam. Travel agent said they're the best company because they have (non-sailing) employees from Indonesia who love (and need) their job and work hard, unlike some other cruise lines. All the staff were professional, efficient and friendly. Great trip.

My other cruise was returning from Korea board the USNS Gen. Daniel I. Sultan in 1963. (Gasp, a 50th anniversary coming up this fall!)
We'll never, ever take a cruise or any trip where we are at someone else's mercy as to when and where we go.  We took a hideous trip to Alaska with Holland America.  While the cruise wasn't bad, we thought it was just okay. It just wasn't for us....too much slow traveling time.....hours and hours of the same scenery and you're stuck on the ship.  The horrible part of the trip was the land portion.  Because we were so miserable and were stuck on a bus or train for hours on end, we'll never go on any trip where we don't decide when and where we go.  I don't even want to fly anymore.  That's the beauty of the MH....we choose where we're going and when.  So, no cruise in our future.

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