Anyone interested in caravan to Alaska? ? ? ? ?

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New member
Jan 18, 2006
I would like to know if anyone would be interested in getting a caravan together and making a trip to Alaska and back. My wife and I have wanted to do this for many years and now that we are retired, the time has come. I think it would be a more enjoyable experience if we could connect with some like minded people and share the experiences along the way.
We are thinking that about six to eight weeks would be about right to make a leisurely but interesting trip to our northern neighbor.
We are in central Texas so we could pick up anyone along the way or meet at some previously agreed upon site to join the caravan. I've never been on a caravan of any length, but I don't think it would be too difficult if planned properly. If anyone would be interested, please e-mail me at [email protected].
Looking forward to some takers.
Why not have folks reply here in the forum instead of via email? That way, some folks might see their friends sign up and decide to join the caravan.
I agree with Tom.  I think it would be better to reply right here on the forum.  Could also bring up ideas and suggestions from others that have made the trip.
Fine. I don't have a problem with that. I have, however, placed this type of post on several forums and if they e-mail me directly, I'll know where they came from. If not, I'll have to remember everywhere I posted the questions. My niece tells me I have "Sometimers". Sometimes I remember, and sometimes I don't.  ;)    ;)
Well since I already emailed you back then saw the post I thought I would do another brief for the forum.  Maybe if someone reads it they can also make suggestions for us in case we can not meet up.
As I stated we might be interested if it works out.  We have a gas National Dolphin 37' and we don't go fast.  We want to see things and based on the things I have read want to have a complete rig when we come back.
heading into BC first week of June, heading up by way of but not sure about stops yet:
Clinton, Prince George, Dawson Ck, Ft Nelson, Watson lake, White Horse, Beaver Ck, Tok, Valdez, Anchorage, Denali Pk, Fairbanks then back to Tok, then out.  We will be heading out to head to Branson MO for last week of Sept.
We will be leaving south TX mid March.
Open to suggestions, comments or hooking up if it works.
Cheryl :eek:
Our Forum is more of a community of RVers who visit regularly and who actively participate by contributing to discussions which is why we are accustomed to people coming back.? The RV Forum is not a hit and run venue for carrying one time self serving ads.

I have, however, placed this type of post on several forums and if they e-mail me directly, I'll know where they came from. If not, I'll have to remember everywhere I posted the questions

Oh...and we thought you posted it here because you liked our Forum! :eek:

We'd love to have you join our community and make some friends if you are interested.

Is your Alaska Caravan a business venture for which you are recruiting customers?
You know I joined to forum for helpful comments and I think that some folks just sit around and wait for the chance to share that chip they have on their shoulder!  Not sure interested in the negative comments like the last one, I think a little harsh, and you want folks to come back to the forum..... :mad: :mad: :mad: ???
Almost forgot to sign here, Cheryl
Al, let us know if/when you think you might make the trip.

BTW I let Bob B know you're not coming to QZ. (Wish you were! You'd enjoy the company of the forumites and we'd enjoy seeing you and Judy again).
Tom said:
Al, let us know if/when you think you might make the trip.

BTW I let Bob B know you're not coming to QZ. (Wish you were! You'd enjoy the company of the forumites and we'd enjoy seeing you and Judy again).

Judy and I just started talking about it.  Of course, if any of the "Sea Ray RVer's" were interested, that'd make it irresistible!  ;)

Thanks for letting Bob know, I was on the forum to figure out how to do that.  Durn doctors don't believe in giving ya nay slack when it comes to appointments!  :mad:

Please, Please, be aware that I'm NOT looking for customers to pay me anything. I would like to enjoy the trip with anyone that might be going the way we are. I am not in the business of arranging reservations or anything like that. I have already corresponded with cheryl and it appears that we probably will not travel together. We may, however, see each other on the trip, but it would be only as a coincidence. I am looking for people who are traveling and would just like the safety and convenience of traveling with others. In case of breakdowns, or personal problems on the road, it would be nice to have someone you can rely on when you are that far away from home base. I felt like this would be a good way to find out if there were any other rv'ers who have thought about doing the same thing we are.

To all of the staffers: 1.  I think it unlikely that all of the RV'ers in the country frequent this forum. That's why I posted on several forums.

2.  If you think this is the wrong way to go about this, please let me know and I'll remove the post.  Charles ???
Hi Cheryl,

I don't think Steve intended that comment to be negative, although we do get our share of visitors who join the forum merely to post an ad for commercial purposes. Since we rely on donations to support the costs of the forum, we really cannot provide free bandwidth and storage for needs other than that of regular forum members. Also since, at the request of our members, we don't allow commercial ads in forum messages, our forum volunteers are asked to be vigilant about posts that might be such ads. Believe it or not, we get our share of folks who attempt to cloak their ads hoping we won't notice.

Almost forgot to sign here

One way to avoid that concern is to click the Profile button above, then click Forum profile information (on the left of your screen) and enter a signature you'd like to automatically appear at the foot of your messages.
staffers: If you think this is the wrong way to go about this, please let me know and I'll remove the post. ?Charles ?

You are OK. ?Don't.

Forming up groups is one of the things that this forum does well. ? The suggestion that you receive answers in the forum can help you form the group. ? Joe reads the message and responds in the affirmative. ?Sam and John like Joe and decide what the hey that sound good and they decide to join up. ?Etcetera.
Hi Charles,

Apologies if we appear to have come across in a manner not intended. Please see my response to Cheryl in this topic for an explanation of what's going on.

central_texan said:
Please, Please, be aware that I'm NOT looking for customers to pay me anything.

Thanks for clarifying that, but please realize that we don't always know that when folks post a message asking folks to reply elsewhere.

I would like to enjoy the trip with anyone that might be going the way we are. .... I am looking for people who are traveling and would just like the safety and convenience of traveling with others.

Understood. You may not be aware that a group of forumites are planning a trip to Alaska this year, although I don't know the exact dates.

If you think this is the wrong way to go about this, please let me know and I'll remove the post.

No reason to delete your post, but hopefully folks will respond here so others have the opportunity to see who else might be making the trip.

If you get the chance to attend any of the forum rallies (click the Calendar above for rally dates/locations), you'd be made welcome and hopefully you'd see that we really are friendly people who enjoy the RV lifestyle.

Thanks again for the clarification.
AlGriefer said:
if any of the "Sea Ray RVer's" were interested, that'd make it irresistible!

Dave & Lisa will soon be changing their coach and they may not wish to risk damage and Sarah isn't yet ready to retire. That leaves us.

I was on the forum to figure out how to do that.

Besides using the Search function, you could have clicked the Show your posts link below your name (top left of your screen) and looked for your prior posting.
You left the Kenai out of your list! I found that area to be the best part. Stayed there nearly a full month.

I am one the several going to AK this summer. My second trip. Caravanning is not fun...especially for others with me due to my water pill frequent stops. I look forward to crossing paths with you frequently. I use this venue to publish my near term itinerary. I keep it near term because side trip opportunities crop up or I find a perfect view camping spot.
Tom said:
Dave & Lisa will soon be changing their coach and they may not wish to risk damage and Sarah isn't yet ready to retire. That leaves us.

Besides using the Search function, you could have clicked the Show your posts link below your name (top left of your screen) and looked for your prior posting.

Well, work on them and the Captain!  ;D  I might have a new coach by then, too, but that won't stop me!

Thanks for the forum tips, unfortunately every forum software seems to be unique.

Have fun at QZ!

AlGriefer said:
unfortunately every forum software seems to be unique.

We have a decent set of FAQ's on forum usage - just click the Resources button in the toolbar above and scroll down to Forum navigation tips.
Hi Gang,

I still plan to take my troops to Alaska this spring.  There will be myself, Jane, Jack and RedDog.  Jane is my Admiral, Jack is a long time family friend and fishing buddy and RedDog is a Shepard/Husky mix who owns all he surveys.  We plan to leave North Carolina on or about June 1st. and return at the end of August.  We have so much family and so many friends to visit along the way that we ruled out any sort of caravan.  However, I plan to post an itinerary on the forum as we depart and will attempt to check in from time to time to keep it and me up to date.  If others will do the same it would make it easier to facilitate some great chance meetings along the way and meet new and old friends.  Good luck and adventure to all planning the trip.

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