Arctic Fox 2001 22GQ with de-lamination

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May 18, 2024
BC, Canada
Hello everyone,
Now that I solved my battery issue ( i replaced the Trojan wet cell system with the same as my inverter will not work with Lithium) I have another question.
The front cap on my trailer has a large area of de-lamination...I've looked for decent videos of DIY repair but not found many that were helpful. Does anyone know of any videos/directions that would help me? I'm fairly mechanical, and when I saw the cost of having this done at an RV dealer I was shocked.
Any help appreciated,
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Photos of the delaminated area would help. But I can guess...

If the front cap is laminated as opposed to molded fiberglass, the only practical solutions are to replace it or totally rebuild it. The former is an expensive part as well as remove & replace labor, while the latter is labor intensive and you pay RV dealer shop labor rates of $150-$200/hr. Rebuilding makes sense if you have the skills and time to DIY bt not to have a shop do it for you.

Does your 2001 22G look like this 26 footer?
Thx KIrk, I'll review the videos before I decide what to do....leaning towards doing it myself....don't mind labor intensive work as long as its not too technical.
Thx Gary....trailer details are in the title, and yes, mine does look like the photo except its not 26' its only 21'.
Thx Gary....trailer details are in the title, and yes, mine does look like the photo except its not 26' its only 21'.
I was merely confirming the design of the front end. It's definitely a constructed wall rather than a molded cap. May not even laminated - those front walls are often just a filon skin over a wood or metal frame (not a vacuum-bonded laminate). I'm not familiar with Arctic's construction there. If possible I'd suggest opening up the interior wall to see what it looks like inside.
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