Arctic Fox/Nash/Fox Mountain rally

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2012
In case you, any other Artic Fox, Nash, Fox Mountain owners are interested, their annual gathering, factory tours, etc. are all scheduled for June 2013:

Adam's 2013 NROA Rally - La Grande, Oregon -June 18th - June 23rd -Discussion forum
Ok so mark you calender for next years rally. The format will stay the same on the date - rally is first Tuesday following Fathers day which is Tuesday June 18th - Sunday June 23rd.

We will be gathering at Eagles Hot Lake Resort. (same place as previous years ) Their contact # is (800) 994-5253 or (541) 963-5253 and they will start taking your reservation after Jan 1 2013. Contact them directly to make arrangement for a site. When you make your reservations make sure you tell them you are with the "Northwood Rv Owners Association" and are attending the 2013 rally. AARP, AAA or Good Sam discounts available.

Sign up form can be downloaded by clicking on this LINK if you have problems downloading form just send me an email and I will reply with the form attached.

Directions from La Grande:
Exit #265 off of highway 84 by flying J station
At the stop sign at the bottom of the exit ramp turn right(south) onto 203 for 5-7 miles. RV Park is on right down short gravel road.

-PLug it Right seminars - Here is a link to their website for more info LINK

-Mt Emily Ride - ATV/Motorcycle/side by side (class 1,2 & 3 ATV) - Bring your ATV, Motorcycle or side by side and enjoy the Scenic mountains that surround the valley.

-Quilting and Crafting

-Motor couch tour of - Pendleton Underground Tours: & Woolen Mills $15.00 per person paid at the door when you enter the event.

-Bring your chair and your favorite beverage and come sing along with Mert Alexander as he plays his guitar and sings some familiar & fun classic campfire songs.

-Mobile Outfitters seminars - here is a link to their website for more info LINK

- 18 Hole Golf Tournament Presented by Dutch & DI of Plugitright and will be at Buffalo Peak in Union(not included in the rally fee) No you do not have to be a professional or ever good, just come out and join in this fun tournament!

-Cathy Nowak presents Walking tour of Ladd Marsh - Learn all about the wild life refuge on this 1.25 mile easy hike.

-Factory tours of Northwood?s plant

-Ice Cream Social There will be Ice Cream with all the fixens to make a great sundae as well as all kinds of fresh fruit for those who don't wish to eat ice cream. Come and enjoy some great time together!

-White Elephant gift exchange. You don't have to participate, you can watch the fun but HAVE to bring something if you want something. You give a wrapped gift and you receive one. The most fun ones are those where people are getting rid of something they don't want or use [new or in good shape is preferable] or an unwanted Christmas present. Usually the gift is worth under $10.00. Could be a vase, knicknack, cd's or Tire pump, anything like that.

-Pot luck dinner and Breakfast

-Movie night - ?Paint your Wagon? This film was shot just up the road in the hills around Baker City.

-Walking Union History tour - including , Union County(cowboy) Museum & Historical Union Hotel

-Wine Tasting

-Northwood sponsored BBQ and raffle

-RV Seminars

More to come!!!!

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