Are transfer switches "swappable"?

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2018
Upstate NY
By swappable I mean when replacing a transfer switch must it be exactly the same model as the old one? For example, as it looks like we'll have to go that route we presently have a Surge Guard Model 40250. Price for this particular switch seem to be over $600. Other search results show switches that look similar but have a different model number are are much less expensive. Are all transfer switches created equal or is there a compelling reason to stick with the same model? Possibly consider a different, better model?
Two answers  but there are basically 2x2 types of transfer swirtches.

Most commin is the Shore/Gnerator transfer switches the "X2" in both cases is with or without spike supression (Called surge surprssion but not nearly as capable as a Progressive Indusristies EMS)

THey are swappable. so long as the new one fits in the space provided you may need to drill new mounting holes.

The other type (Same x2) is a 3-way (Shore/inverter/generator) and again they are swappable with the same considerations. I"ve seen one of those... Just one.  I'v eseen several of the two way.
As long as the amperage rating is correct model should not matter. One concern however is the arrangement of the internal connection lugs and the length of your wires. If for example the new one had the generator lugs on the left instead of right the wire may not reach. Also pay attention to wire openings on the case - when I replaced mine with a different model everything worked fine but I had to drill a hole in the case for wire entry
What Back2PA says - just get one with similar specs (amp rating and either 120v/30A or 240v/50A).  The exception to this might be a transfer switch that is also a power monitor, e.g. a Surge Guard 40250 or similar. If it has a remote display, you would want a compatible model so it could use the same remote.
He has a 40250. As far as substitution, I found that an exact replacement wasn't available. I finally found one that was close enough and PPL generously sent me two for the price of one (I returned the extra one). After all that , a gentle tap with a rubber mallet cured the problem so I have the replacement on hand.

Sorry - I missed the reference to the 40250 in the opening message.  That is not a simple transfer switch - it is a full blooded powerline monitoring system as well. So yes, around $635.  I don't know of another product that combines all those functions in one unit, so hard to compare prices.

A 50A auto transfer switch alone runs $125-$160 and a quality powerline monitor like the P-I EMS-HW50C is in the range of $350-$500 (depending on sales and where you buy), so you could reproduce the function using two units and do it for about $500 or so.
Ernie n Tara said:
... PPL generously sent me two for the price of one (I returned the extra one)...


I had the same experience with PPL and a Dometic 320 toilet, they shipped me 2 last year, both arrived on the same day a couple of hours apart, one came UPS from Houston, and the other came Fed Ex Ground from Dallas.  I then spent over a week, making multiple phone calls trying to get them to take one of them back.

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