Arizona Storage?

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2005
Benson , AZ.
Any recommendations for storage in AZ, maybe Yuma?  I stored in Tucson at Lazy Days last winter, (yes I know my seasons are screwy), but I don't have the need to be in Tucson in the spring like last year.  In fact it could even be further north, just not where I need to winterize. 

We will be heading to Tucson after leaving Yellowstone in Nov, have to be back end of first week of December.  Will finish an assignment in Tucson on 12/1.  So, I need to get my MH to storage in the meantime. 

Phoenix would be OK, but likely pricier, Flagstaff too cold.  Havasu area would work, except for the likely high cost.

While it is a few hours west, I'll recommend Ray's RV in Banning, CA. (Again) I dont know what the rates in Arizona are but I have found their $55 per month rate pretty hard to beat.  Family owned and opperated, just good honest people.

Check with Tempe RV Storage.  I store mine there and the rates are pretty good.

Dougie has his rig stored near phoenix. If he doesn't see this thread contact him. I've forgotten just where the storage is located.
Desert Trails Rv park has storage available just 5 miles south of Tucson.
We will be there in dec.

There are a lot of RV storage places in the Phoenix area, but none that I know of will be as cheap as Desert Trails RV Park suggested by Howard (40/mo).

Near us in Surprise is an open lot that will be about 55/mo (302.50 for 6 months). We also have a place that gas covered space (I estimate 125-150 for your rig), and garage type space (285). I think there are cheaper places for covered if your interest.

I check more if your interested, but I don;t think any will be $40/mo.

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