Arrive Traverse City Mich

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 29, 2005
Home is where we park it
We have arrived in Traverse City Mich.  We noticed as we were driving across the upper penn that the railrod crossings are smoother than the highways here. ;D  Roads here in Mich are almost as bad as those around Dallas Tx.

Will be here for three or four weeks before returning to Sam's Camp.

Looking forward to visiting with Barb and Frank when they arrive.

A few years ago we had a governor who was paving all the roads and making them smooth... With asphalt  (good bandaid repair but long term it needs to be done over and over and-a over again cause these roads are quite a drag)

He also raided the treasurey no end and left the state basically broke

Now we have a new governer, She is doing her best but alas she has next to nothing to work with... Things are improving however

What I don't know is this: Due to term limits can she remain in office long enough to undo all the damage HE caused
I do know Mich has been the POT HOLE state at least since 1993.  We destroyed a wheel and tire on the access road to the freeway due to a pot hole about 15 inches round and 8 inches deep.  I think one of the reasons Mich has such a hard time maintaining their roads is that they allow trucks to carry what ever they seem to want by just adding more axles.  I have seen gravel trucks up here with 8 to 10 axles under the trailer.  Probably would have been more except they couldn't find room to add more.

I am aware that Mich had a questionable Governor but that is not the reason for poor highways, they were here before he got in office he just didn't do any more than those before him did as far as road maintenance goes.
Smoky said:
Just be sure you get your butt back to Sam's camp in time for my fishing and electronics program.? ?;D ;D

LOL.  You bet we will.  We plan to be back 4 or 5 July.  What is your anticipated arrival date at Sam's Camp?  What route do you plan to take to Montana?


Complicated question and no simple answer.

The problem now is that we expected the MH to be sitting in our driveway right now.

Instead it is sitting in Newmar's driveway.  Each day they have been giving excuses for why it is not on the way to Beckley's (our dealer).  First they could not find a driver.  Next they said they found some "issues" on their quality check that needed to be addressed.  Then that reverted back to the no driver from Horizon (company that does deliveries) issue.  I pulf like to think this is as a result on the Newmar emphasis on taking the time to do things right.

My suspicion?  Either dealers wanted showroom models before Memorial Day? Or some Big Gun ordering an Essex (big bucks) wanted his MH in time to have a Memorial Day Weekend celebration.  At any rate I think i somehow got pushed to the back of the line.  Can't prove this, of course, and maybe it was just what Newmar is saying... things went wrong all at the same time. I am in a helpless postion.  Lately, it seems, I have been constantly finding myself in a helpless position.

My problem is complicated by the fact that my eye surgery is on June 7.  I should not drive for 3 or 4 days after that and maybe more because they have to wait 3 weeks before giving me new eyeglasses.  The eye surgeon says that is a crap shoot.

On top of all of this, yesterday we got a "flyer" from Beckley's inviting us to an Open House, June 3 - June 5?

Now if you were a dealer, where would your focus be...the Open House (and selling more stuff) or the delivery of a lowly Kountry Star (already sold)?

Well, let me rephrase that question as I know your priorities are right.  If an average dealer were in this situation ... LOL

I told the dealer we have a very small window before my surgery.  He said if they drive the MH to Maryland on Tuesday, they will put extra people on the Prep and we should have access to the MH on either Thursday and Friday, or Friday and Saturday.

I have been burnt so much on the delivery aspect of this I am thinking it might be two weeks before I can do the two day acceptance program I have planned.  If that is the case, we might have to shift our July 1 departure to July 15.

We are planing a leisurely trip so I can visit a friend in Ohio, the Admiral can do the Newmar factory tour in Indiana, the Admiral can also see a C&W show in Brandon Missouri, we can both see Mt Rushmore for the first time in both our lives, and then on to Lewistown MT.

I am planing to send you the $1500 the day I depart, which would either be July 1 or July 15th.

The good news about all of this is that we have sold our home and land to a guy who is very flexible about when we actually vacate our Maryland home.

Any luck yet on a roof mount?

>>My suspicion?? Either dealers wanted showroom models before Memorial Day? Or some Big Gun ordering an Essex (big bucks) wanted his MH in time to have a Memorial Day Weekend celebration. <<

A more likely scenario is that your MH got damaged & they are repairing it. Newmar is a mass production builder & wouldn't be leaving units sitting around. Check carefully on your inspection for mis-match paint/bodywork.

At Clark Fork, ID
Looking forward to visiting with Barb and Frank when they arrive.

We're comming Ron. We may arrive on Thurs the 9th. Looking forward to seeing you guys.

Oh my.  Something new to worry about.  I better call Newmar tomorrow mnorning when they open. 

Now you've got him going again Terry. ;D ;D
Ron said:
Looking forward to seeing you guys again.? We are in space 55 this year.

She's gonna put us as close to you as possible. We'll be there after 6:00 p.m. on Thurs. It's a 6 hr drive, and Frank has to work a 1/2 day.
Are you and Sam up for a Malt at Don's?


Malts are a thing of the past for us but maybe an ice tea.  The kids will be here and I'm sure they may be ready for a malt.

Looking forward to seeing you guys.
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