Asheville in the Spring

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Grandville, MI
We are heading to Asheville on April 18. MaryAnne and I are soooo looking forward to the warmer weather that will eventually wander into Michigan. Our new to us ride this year is a 2002 Holiday Rambler Imperial was christened on our Florida trip in Feb.
I am very interested in woodworking as a hobby and MaryAnne is a quilter/knitter. We hope to visit Berea, KY on the way. In Asheville, we are interested in seeing the local craft shops and the Blue Ridge Parkway. Any other thoughts?
We will be staying at Mama Gerties Campground for a week.
We lived in Columbia, SC for two years and tried to spend as much time as possible NOT there. Asheville and the surrounding area was one of our favorite escape places.

While I don't think Blue Ridge Parkway is a fun drive in a motorhome, particularly, it is a spectacular experience. We had just purchased our motorhome at the end of that tour and never have had a chance to cruise the area in the rig. Sounds fun!

You will not lack for a good time in the area. Have a big time!
Lots to see, go BRP to Bat Cave and see Cherokee area. Take the road over to TN from Cherokee, its worth the trip. Beautiful mountains.
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