atwood gas water heater

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Feb 5, 2016
I have an Atwood water heater  that I'm having problems with the Gas Ignition Control. The part # is 91315 I've checked around but this part number is no longer available a local r.v repair shop has one that they say will fit in it's place for a price of $168.00. I've also have been on e-bay - amazon but so many part #'s just wandering if anyone could tell me what part # would take the place of the one I have.                THANKS
Have you tried to clean all the contacts on the wiring going to the circuit board. Many times, this fixes many of the issues with water heaters.  Unplug the wiring and clean the contacts with a pencil eraser. Then plug it in and unplug it several times to clean the mating contact. Corrosion many times is the culprit.
Again this is an old post but i think im facing the same problem . My Heater takes the same module AVM91315 by Atwood . Did anyone come up with a substitute or alternative part number.?
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