Atwood Stove Top Flame Too High

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2012
The gas flame on my stove top has yellow tips and is too high.  I was told the regulator was not working and needed to be replaced.  Is this something that is easy to replace by a novice (like me) or do I need a gas "specialist"?  Also, there were felt like washers (?) around each orifice that burned.  Do they serve a function and also need to be replaced?

Immediate assistance is required since I can't cook without my stove top!!  :)

Are we talking about the main LP regulator in the RV, or something on the stove itself. Replacing the main regulator is not expensive nor difficult - basically just takes two wrenches. You can DIY.

The stove has its own internal controls, including a regulator module. It too just requires basic mechanical skills to replace. Stove regulator s rarely fail, though. They are very low pressure devices and well-protected. A more common cause of stove problems is dirty orifices in the burner or the air inlets to the burner tubes.

What make and model of stove? Sears Parts Direct has excellent diagrams online for the Magic Chef stove that is common to many RVs. Maybe the Wedgewood too - I haven't checked that one. They are almost identical anyway.
The stove top is an Atwood.  I have not had anyone look at it yet but when I called Lazydays (we are currently at their campground), the serviceman told me that if the flame was either too high or too low that the regulator was bad.  They will not come to the campground to check it/repair it and I don't want to pack up to spend the day in their service area with two dogs.

We have an appointment with Alliance Coach in Wildwood, FL March 4 so I guess I will just wait until then and let them deal with it.

Thanks for your response.
I have an Atwood stove top range also.  Do all the stove top burners act the same?  Or just one particular burner?
All the burners point to a propane regulator.  One burner points to a fuel/air mixture problem on that particular burner.
Thoroughly clean the burner and the supply tubes, especially at the air intake slot. That will probably clear up the one burner that acts different than the rest.

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