Awning replacement

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Not A Clue

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
So Ca
Our awning takes a beating from the Ca sun and the protective covering that pertects the awning from UV rays is starting to peel off. This protective covering is located closest to the RV and is exposed when the awning is rolled up. The covering covers about two feet out from the RV.

Does this peeling weakened the awning fabric at all? Or is it more cosmetic. I know moving forward the sun will rot the material some day.
It is hard to say how much longer it will last but clearly it is on the way to replacement. I replaced a slide awning that had deteriorated similar to what you describe. Not a difficult job at all if you Are a little handy and have a helper.
I think you will find the stitching has deteriorated from sun exposure before the material looks bad enough to warrant changing. When the stitching lets go, the awning is easily ripped out of the trailer attachment in a less than heavy wind.

As Dave said, replacement is easy enough with two or more people. Be careful of that heavy spring in the roller though, it can be dangerous if not handled properly. Instructions on how to do that safely are available from Carefree (if it is a Carefree model) but they likely apply to almost any make.....
Thanks for the tips, we are heading to Quartzsite in January, might look to get it replaced there. :)

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