Kevin Means
Site Team
I have a manually operated A & E awning with an aluminum cover, which does a good job of protecting the awning from the elements. However, the aluminum cover also seems to be a great place for strong wind gusts to get underneath and try to unfurl the awning while driving down the road. I'm aware of awning locks (which I don't have), but my question is about other awning types, not mine.
We're going to be selling our coach soon and getting another that will have electric awnings. My questions are... while driving down the road, are the electric awnings found on newer motorhomes as susceptible to unfurling in gusty conditions as my type of awning is? Do those of you who have newer coaches with electric awnings still use awning locks?
We're going to be selling our coach soon and getting another that will have electric awnings. My questions are... while driving down the road, are the electric awnings found on newer motorhomes as susceptible to unfurling in gusty conditions as my type of awning is? Do those of you who have newer coaches with electric awnings still use awning locks?