Awnings opening under engine starting

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Active member
Oct 21, 2012
Awnings extending when I start engines, They have done this a few times, I thought this may have been due to the condition of the house batteries. Replaced all batteries on coach, 8 - 6 volt Dekka GC 15's wired in series and parallel for 12 volt system. Replaced xantrex inverter, and new chasis batteries. All batteries were brought up to a full charge and inverter went into float charge to test inverter before picking up rv. All batteries systems checked OK. When trying to start generator or main engine awnings extended again, I am not sure which engine starting or
What may have caused this ? Anyone have any ideas or have experienced this problem? 2005 HR Navigator,10 KW
Onan generator, cummins ISX main.

I assume that your MH being a Navigator you have remote controlled Awnings.  That being the case I would say that you have noise being generated by your alternator and that it of such a frequency that activates the Awning.

The fix is to check the capacitor(s) on the alternator and replace as necessary.  If your remote control unit has the ability to change bands you should try changing the bands.

A simple fix would be to turn off the Remote Control Unit before you start the engines or if that is not possible you can insert a switch in the incoming 12v DC to the RCU.  It is a crude but effective fix.
Call the awning manufacturer on Monday morning and see what they say.  I'm not sure about their liability on accepting interference though but give it a try.
If as you think electrical interference from alternator is causing problem , would not awnings extend each time motor is started? It seems to be a random event.
Scalloper1 said:
If as you think electrical interference from alternator is causing problem , would not awnings extend each time motor is started? It seems to be a random event.

Not necessarily, electrical interference is tricky stuff.  A lot of things could be different each time you start, the position of the armatures on the starter and also the alternator to name a couple of items.  I am not familiar enough with the awning in question, I have a manual one, but anytime you have wireless controls to things, you run the risk of problems.  There are problems in some RVs if the ballast on the fluorescent light start to go bad, they can cause slides to deploy or retract, TVs to change channel and other strange things.

I generally recommend that anything that can cause or in crease the risk of something critical happening should NOT be controlled by wireless as currently allowed in the US.  The devices are cheaply made and normally do not have interference protection built in.  I have destroyed some WIFI receivers because of this when I turned on a high powered amateur transmitter nearby.  Not my fault as that type of equipment is not protected by the regulations.

Some of the newer and more costly stuff is much better though and I have not had the problem recur in the last 4 years.  I do worry when in RV parks and normally use low power just to avoid issues.

Again,  talk to the awning manufacturer about the issue and see what they may recommend.
Jim Godward said:
  There are problems in some RVs if the ballast on the fluorescent light start to go bad, they can cause slides to deploy or retract, TVs to change channel and other strange things.

In my case the florescent ceiling light mounted next to the front AC ... turns the AC compressor off when the light is turned on!  Took a long time to figure that one out.    ??? 

Howard R said:
In my case the florescent ceiling light mounted next to the front AC ... turns the AC compressor off when the light is turned on!  Took a long time to figure that one out.    ??? 


I hate those type of problems and RFI problems in general.  You are almost never sure it is completely fixed.  If you change the ballast out, why couldn't something else cause the AC to quit.  And how do you make sure it won't.  When I was working we spent a tremendous amount of money testing to prove the RFI resistance of electronic devices and also that they did not generate it.
A bigger concern with remote controlled awnings is not it extending when startng the engine but it extending while driving due to interference in an area.

I would think that the Coach builder would have interfaced the Remote Control Unit through the Ignition System so as to disconnect power with Ignition on.

Staff edit: Remove excessive white space
The awning should not extend with engine running due to the ignition interlock under conditions.

The problem with Florescent lights seems to affect I/R remotes more than RF, though they do also affect RF stuff.

In my house, at the computer workstation I had a desk lamp that was florcesent, I also had an IR-Extender, which has a Visible light LED on it that flashes in step with the remote I/R LED.    If I positioned the lamp so it shined on the extender, The LED flashed.  (And of course the remote did not extend)  Fixed by moving light.

But that is all light and low frequency pulsed DC, no RF on that extender at all.
I am more confused, if the awnings are disabled with Ignition On then how can they open when starting???

If the Remote Control Unit is not powered with the key on then there is no power to operate the awnings unless the Ignition Relay is dropping out when the Starter is operating.
My awnings (door and main) are both disabled on the out position with the key in the ign switch turned to on or acc. The remote fob will not operate or the main switch by the passenger seat. You can run them in if I recall but not out. Not sure but I don't think Rf could cause this as the ign override goes right into the awning main control box where the wind sensor is attached etc.
I'm not much on Rf but if that was the case you could just wrap some tin foil over the control box as a test or temporary shield right. I would lean towards a wiring problem with all the recent changes.
Sure would like to know what you find though.
Called girald awnings and was told ignition interrupter switch was likely causing this and to call Navistar for fix. If I'm thinking right 2005 HR is before Navistar purchased HR motorhome division not sure how much help they will be.
You could try calling the Monaco Tech Support & Parts line: 877-466-6226. Have your coach number available.

Or call one of the Monaco service centers:
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