Bad E.C.O?

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Irish Woody

New member
Feb 28, 2017
Having trouble with my Atwood water heater. When I use propane to heat the water,  the water heater works fine untill it reaches tempature. It shuts off like it is supose to, but then fires right back up, shuts off again immediately, then tries to fire up again and run, but shuts off and faults out. My guess is a bad E C O. Any thoughts?
NO that is not my guess. IF the ECO opens the fault light comes on and operaction is locked out till you cycle the power switch.  Now a bad Thermostat or a short in the wires.. That might do it.
Agree with John - NOT the ECO (unless the t-stat is also bad).  Either the thermostat is flaky, the thermostat wire  is intermittent, or the controller circuit board is bad.  However, you can verify that the ECO is not the problem by simply jumpering around it. The ECO is normally closed switch, so that has the effect of taking it out of play.  You can also jumper around the thermostat to simulate the tstat closed status, or disconnect the wire to simulate open. If the problem still occurs, it's probably the circuit board.

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Ended up being the thermo stat. Let the water heater run and it tripped out on the ECO. Never cycled like it was doing. Thanks for the advice
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