Baton Rouge to Disney World....

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2011
Denham Springs, LA
We're heading to Disney this summer!  YAY!  Thinking of heading out early Saturday, driving a full day, staying somewhere Sat night and finishing up in Disney on Sunday.  Any recommendations on something close to the Ocala area?

Stayed at Oklawaha RV park 2 yrs ago, loved it but not much to do unless you like to fish, hike, beautiful scenery.

PS bring crawfish ;D
Ocala is only about an hour from Disney. You may want to think about stopping closer to Lakeland Fl. A great place there is Jellystone park, Especially if you have kids. Its a beautiful park.
We're just trying to find a place to sleep for the night then head out the next morning, drive an hour or two and reach Disney.  I just didn't want to have to drive the full distance all in one day because we have plans the evening we arrive.  I'll look into the Lakeland area.

Thanks all!
Might try Gainsville nice campground just off I75. Easy on easy out.  Cannot think of the name, but about 2 1/2 hrs from the mouse.

I will look it up stayed there last year.

I have made this trip 3 times in the last year.  Depends on the way you like to travel.  I take exit 225 of I-10 in Florida to route 19/27.  Also called the Florida Georgia Hwy.  Take that to Old Town Florida Turn Left onto rt 349  3 or 4 miles and there is a brand new Good Sams CG on the right.  When you leave follow 19/27 to Chiefland and turn left onto Alt 27 and follow that all the way to Ocala and I-75.  This is good paved 2 lane road each way. You will encounter a few stop lights going thru the small towns, but mostly 65 mph HWY otherwise.  Cuts off alot few miles and takes about the same amount of time and way way way less traffic, few trucks.
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