Battery smokin'

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Going National

Active member
Oct 19, 2012
Smelled battery acid in the coach.  I had filled both coach battery about 3 days ago.  Now one is smokin and low on water.  The other is just a hair down on water..Battery is March 2012 from CW.  What's your thoughts?
Probably a shorted cell.  The battery should be replaced.  Maybe both of them to keep them at the same state of charge.

In the interim I would disconnect the "bad" battery and use only the good one.
Ditto on the bad battery. If both were doing it I'd say your charging system is overcharging very badly . . . and it still may be if the connection to the "good" battery has a problem.
You don't happen to have a coach made by Boeing do you?  Sorry couldn't resist.  Seriously get the battery out of your system and back to where you bought it.
You clearly have either a very "HOT" converter or a shorted cell.  Are these six volt in series or 12 volt in parallel, If the latter disconnect the hot battery and get it repalced.

If you have six volt pair.. Disconnect them and measure converter output.  Post results.

NOTE if 12 volt in parallel the other battery MAY have suffered damage.  But depending on the quality of the battery it may recover.
The batteries are 12 volt..I have returned home now and have removed both coach batteries which I will take into CW to be checked out...I had brought this March 2012 battery into CW along with the other coach battery I had at the time.  The battery I am having trouble with, they said was OK..the other was bad and they replaced it free..with a May 2012 build.  I don't know how to check the charger or inverter so maybe when I bring this battery in they may spot  the trouble.  I sometimes think this battery was bad just like its partner when I brought them in but they may not have wanted to replace both at the same time....who knows!

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