Bear spray recommendations

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2014
Full time USA
We are camp hosting this summer at Henry's Lake SP in Idaho, about 15 miles from West Yellowstone.
We plan on doing a lot of hiking, sowe need a recommendation on bear spray. We have never needed it before and hope we don't have to use it.
We are camp hosting this summer at Henry's Lake SP in Idaho, about 15 miles from West Yellowstone.
We plan on doing a lot of hiking, sowe need a recommendation on bear spray. We have never needed it before and hope we don't have to use it.
Best to buy the stuff in the same area that you're visiting.

And you probably want to read this:

"Do I Really Need Bear Spray in Yellowstone?"​

-Don- Georgetown, CA (motorcycle ride)
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Bear spray works much better than a high caliber handgun. A grizzly bear's brain is about the size of a baseball. Trying to hit the brain on a pissed off grizzly charging you at 35 mph is extremely difficult. Bear spray has been proven very effective in a number of real situations. There are a number of high quality and effective products including Udap, Griz Guard, and Sabre Frontiersman. I own several handguns, but carried bear spray when hiking in bear country. I also had the spray in a quick release holster clipped to my belt.

Here's a well known story about Ben Macht in Montana using bear spray against a grizzly sow with cubs. His big mistake was not having the spray can immediately accessible. Bear spray is also effective against moose and mountain lions. Ben used the Counter Assault brand bear spray. It's effective, but has a shorter duration spray than other brands.

If you're interested in an academic article on effectiveness of bear spray, there's this:

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Have seen black bears in Maine and NY state. They always seem shy and seem to avoid human contact. Having said that I think I might invest is a can of bear spray just in case any cubs decide to wander my way. :oops:
We have bought spray at Costco and from an outdoors shop but not had to use it. Think they were UDAP.

I think it best to have the larger cannister and always have it easily accessible ie not in your pack but attached to belt or front of rucksack.

I have had mine out and the safety off a couple of times when I've had that eerie feeling of being watched.

Also give it a quick test but make sure the wind isn't blowing towards you!
We have bought spray at Costco and from an outdoors shop but not had to use it. Think they were UDAP.

I think it best to have the larger cannister and always have it easily accessible ie not in your pack but attached to belt or front of rucksack.

I have had mine out and the safety off a couple of times when I've had that eerie feeling of being watched.

Also give it a quick test but make sure the wind isn't blowing towards you!
Therein lies the problem with sprays, a bear approaching from upwind presents another problem.
The best defense is to make a lot of noise when hiking in bear territory, also helps in rattlesnake country. Snakes can't hear but they are very sensitive to vibrations in the ground.
Thanks for the confirmation. I thought I remembered my high school biology. "They can also hear airborne sounds if it vibrates the snake’s head." That would have to be a very loud sound to vibrate its head.
I'm thinking that bear spray is effective with black bears. Like it was said make noise so you don't surprise the bears. Grizzly Bears I think the bear spray might just make them mad and your not going to out run them. Only safe thing would be a high enough caliber gun and know how to use it.
One of these and a can of bear spray, I have both and a shotgun with bear slugs.

use the horn first, also jump up and down to make yourself appear bigger.
next use the bear spray, if that fails then the shotgun as a last resort.
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