Bedroom Ceiling Light Fxture

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
Conway, S.C.
My signature coach has a ceiling mounted round light fixture. Never really gave it any thoughts. It is dimable and offered enough light. Now the DW is having eye issues and asked if it could be brighter, Took down the globe and it has 5 small wedge type bulbs. I looked for LED replacements but dimmable was not found. Also the globe is frosted and looking for a clear replacement did not return any ideas.
I am not against changing the sockets. Suggestions would be welcomed
Thanks for replies

I replaced mine with 12v halogen type light fixtures.  Placed them on a board that replaced the mounting fixture.  Put a combination of three in the bathroom and it lit up the place.
There are many 12v light fixtures available, but RV stores don't seem to handle much except the mundane. Marine stores usually have more choices - rty these:

I Googled 'dimmable wedge LED' and found several sources. Here are a few of them:
Consider changing the fixture to LED strips. You could put quite a few strip pieces in there in an octagon shape, just need to be a little handy with a soldering iron.
Thanks for the reply's.
Will check out to offered sites for options. LED strips was one I did not even think about. All ceiling lights in kitchen and sitting area are converted to the strips
I bought 2 of these back a month ago and am very happy with them. They are super bright. I had the light issue over our kitchen table and at the couch. I removed the existing fixtures, which by the way, had been upgraded to LED bulbs, and put these in. Each light has it's own switch. I put them up side by side so I can either have one on or both at the same time depending how much light we need.
The flat type bulb arrangement is interesting. Possibly 3 arranged in triangle shape would provide enough light and be diffused by the glass dome
depchief said:
The flat type bulb arrangement is interesting. Possibly 3 arranged in triangle shape would provide enough light and be diffused by the glass dome

The strips I quoted I know will be super bright for you  and a little less money, one strip has 108 led's. If you use both, it would be 216 led's.  You could mount then a nice piece of oak to hide any holes from the old light.
If you don't like them send them back and just say they don't work. 
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