Bedroom slide drifts out

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Jan 7, 2010
I have a 2001 Winnebago 35u. Months ago I replaced the extend solenoid because it was operating in properly. All worked well until I noticed the room world creep out. Cycling the room in and out a couple of times seemed to cure the problem for awhile but recently the problem returned. When I replaced the extend solenoid it had a T handle. The replacement does not. Does anyone know how I would override this solenoid in order to flush it out manually?
I can't answer your question directly,but I just dealt with a similar problem on my 2005 Horizon.  A tech with a sharp eye spotted a  leak in a very small hose that was allowing the hydraulic pressure to release which in turn allowed the room to slide and as the hole got bigger the slide was creeping out farther.

Not and answer, just a thought.

Don G
Thanks!  I Havent found any leaks yet but believe the extend soleniod might have a piece of trash in it letting it bypass.
I left a rather lengthy reply the other day, but when I went to post it the server went down and it was lost.

To summarize that post, if you are certain that there is no pin hole leak in a line, or a loose fitting, there are two other suggestions. It is possible that the solenoid valve bypass nut is loose allowing a slow loss of pressure. You mentioned that there is a new solenoid that replaced one with the "T" handle. The new ones have a 1/4" nut that performs the same function. Ensure that it is snug. By the way, my reservoir has a nut driver built in to the inside of the filler cap so you might check to see if you have one.

Another source of this creep is air in the lines from not fully extending and retracting the slide each time you move it. HWH says to always move a slide to its full extension or retraction and hold the switch for a count of 3-5 once movement stops. This helps purge any trapped air.

Hope this is of some help.

Thanks SVTotem
The solenoid that I replaced the T handle one with has a red plug in the end. Under that plug is a 3/16 hex adjustment. Would the correct position be clockwise or counterclockwise for it to operate properly?
How would I adjust it to bypass if need be? Could anyone help with this question?
I think I recall a thread that had a bypass as an interim solution, but I can't remember if it was here or on It might have been to bypass the shuttle valve for that matter. You might try a search on both sites on HWH solenoid bypass.

It sounds like you need to talk to the guys at HWH at this point. It can be hard to get them to return a call quickly, but leave a message. They will eventually get back to you and are very helpful once you get them on the line. The 'tech support' guys are actually supervising techs on  the floor so they are pretty busy folks. Try 800-321-3494, and good luck.

As for the nuts, turn counter clockwise to release, and clockwise to close. There is a caution in the manual to not turn the nut more than 4 1/2 turns.

Oh, you should be able to find one manuals on their website,
Perhaps your set up is different (mine is '02), but all my slide solenoids have the 1/4" bleed fitting, no T handles.  The four larger solenoids for the leveling jacks have the T handles. 

Thanks to all of you for your advise. I will follow up with HWH and let you know the results.

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