Beeping under frig

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Robert Olson

Active member
Aug 2, 2011
I have a very low beeping coming from under my frig or the furnace.  I pulled the louvered front off and can not see where it is coming from.  I have a Norcold frig (120X-IMXX) and an Atwood furnace (8500-IV series).  I looked in both manuals but could not find anything in troubleshooting.  A few days ago I did replace the water line that goes to the ice maker; there are no leaks and everything is dry.  The beeping is not constant; in fact, it will beep three times or so and then go silent, then beep steady for 10 seconds or so and then go silent.  It may stay silent for a minute or so.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.


I had the same problem, two weeks ago. The beeping drove me nuts.  :mad:  Finally called a mobile tech. He, after a lot of searching, found that the Propane detector was malfunctioning. $50 to reset the Propane detector. Worth every penny!
I am hearing impaired and cannot locate high pitched sounds. Can't even hear most of them.  :(
Ray D.  :)
I'm thinking that too, a common place for a propane detector.... ALSO..

If it's an older rig with an A&E Weather pro power awning, and the weather is cold enough those suckers will beep at you.. I have one, I have a very strong opiinion of it which I'd love to give you but.. alas, don't wish to melt your monitor.

I'm told the new ones are better.
None of the suggested things are located under the fridge, so I don't think that's it.

Some of the later model Atwood 8500-IV furnaces will beep if there is a fault, and there should also be a red light on.  The Norcold 1200 beeper is for the door being left open, but I suppose it could be malfunctioning.

What year/make/model of coach is it?
Thanks for all the input, guys.  My coach is a 2006 Four Winds, Windsport, 34N gasser.  We are staying in north Texas right now and it was/is cold for this part of Texas.  We left for the day about 10:30 this morning and it was 32 degrees and windy.  I haven't smelled any gas coming from under the frig.  When we left this morning, it had that low soft beep but when we came home this evening, not so much as one beep (weather report, cold and 0 wind).  I can't hear the darn thing beep (unless I stick my head under the frig) but the dw sure can and if she's fussin' and not happy well, you guys know the rest of the saying.  All's quiet now.  I really appreciate the write-backs and ideas.

Thanks again,


"The road goes on forever and the party never ends."
Ray, John & Gary:

Problem solved or at least identified.  John, you were right on the mark!  The beeping started again and I picked up a Weather Pro black box that was under the frig, put it to my ear and that was the culprit.  There was a enable/disable switch on the side.  Flipping that to disable shut the darn thing up.  I'll figure out how to fix the black box later; maybe a call to Weather Pro will take care of that.

Thanks again guys,

On the list of places I expected to find a Weather Pro control box.. "Under the fridge" does not exist.

One caution.. Least you ahve a Robin Williams moment.

That switch also disables the ignition interlock. (The Ignition interlock causes the awning to retract if you start the engine)  .

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