Best Road -- South of Grand Rapids, MI

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Active member
Nov 27, 2014
Hi Everyone,

We are in the Grand Rapids, MI area and will be leaving to go South in a week.  My wife has hurt her back and having a very tough time with these Michigan roads.  Can anyone recommend the most comfortable road (i.e., fewest bumps, smoothest roads) to the South?  The options we are considering are Hwy 131 South toward Kalamazoo, or 1st going East along Hwy 96 toward Lansing, and then dropping down to the South?  Which Michigan roads are in the best condition this summer?

Thanks much !!
If you're thinking about going far south, dont be looking for good roads in South Carolina!
Jim828 said:
If you're thinking about going far south, dont be looking for good roads in South Carolina!

In a couple months (Well Halloween) I'll be headed for South Carolina :)

But from EASTERN MI.

Sadly It has been a long time since I knew what roads were best in Western MI.

All I can say is this.  Keep your speed down a bit. 55-60 MPH tops. and do not be in a hurry to be anywhere..  As I tell folks on occasion.. I have all the time God Gives me to live but I only have so 8 fenders (4 on the MH 4 on the Towed car) so when it comes to an arguement over right of way.. YOU WIN. I yeild.  No rush. Less I'm on my way to an appointment (Which happens tomorrow) Appointment is abougt 20 mintues down the road.  and 1pm

I'll leave here about 11 am
Stop for lunch a few minutes from appointment
Get ther about 12:30-45  No rush.
John-you sure we aren't related? Mom always said she'd rather be 30 minutes early than 5 minutes late and I've tried to be like that myself. I've got some relatives that have no regard for timeliness and I've told my kids that due to me being on time for everything they've had that upon my demise, if the service is at say 2 o'clock, lock the door and send them my message! ?
Jim828 said:
Mom always said she'd rather be 30 minutes early than 5 minutes late

And if you are just on time, well you're late.

Roads:  Steer clear of Interstate 65, it is terrible north and south throughout Indiana.  US 31 from Indy to MI, is a pretty decent road, 55mph highway.
We came up 69 from Fort Wayne to Lansing this Spring and I can't for the life of me remember how the road was.  I know MI is the worst in the Country!
Thanks for the tips to "go slow and leave early" which are always good ideas.  Still, would like some insight as to the current (i.e., summer 2018) conditions of the roads South from the Grand Rapids area.  Has anyone driven Hwy 69 South between Lansing and Fort Wayne or even all the way down to Indianapolis?  How about Hwy 127 south of Lansing? Hwy 131 South? Hwy 23?  Please post your experiences with these roads if you have driven them recently. 
Chi-Travels said:
Thanks for the tips to "go slow and leave early" which are always good ideas.  Still, would like some insight as to the current (i.e., summer 2018) conditions of the roads South from the Grand Rapids area.  Has anyone driven Hwy 69 South between Lansing and Fort Wayne or even all the way down to Indianapolis?  How about Hwy 127 south of Lansing? Hwy 131 South? Hwy 23?  Please post your experiences with these roads if you have driven them recently.
I will be driving on 69 from Indianapolis to Ft Wayne this weekend, I will give you an update, and if I forget, PM me.
I have traveled 131  from Grand Rapids to Middlebury, IN and I69 from Fort Wayne to Marshall, MI recently with the motorhome. I would take 131 south to I94. East on I94 to I69. South on I69 to Fort Wayne. DO NOT take 131 south of Schoolcraft or any section of the Indiana Toll Road (I80).
Roads to and from Indianapolis to Ft Wayne, via I69
Decent for the most part.  Better than I65.  Couple stretches both sides with filled in potholes, bumps galore. No sinkholes like I65.


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