Best rts for 35ft motorhome from Old Forge NY to Lancaster PA

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2011
We are looking for the best route from Old Forge NY to Lancaster PA, avoiding NY city or New Jersey.  Also looking for a nice place to stay while in Lancaster.  35ft M/H towing Jeep.

The most common way would be to take Rt 28 south from Old Forge, merge on to Rt 12 south into Utica, and eventually Binghamton. 28 and 12 are a nice drive - 2-lanes most of the way with maybe 10 or 15 miles of 4-lane just north of Utica. From Binghamton you can pick up I-81 into PA and down to Scranton (just noticed that "Old Forge" is a Scranton suburb...funny). Never actually been to Lancaster, though, so beyond Scranton, I have no suggestions.
From Scranton I would be inclined to take I-476 south to I-78 west to PA-61 south to US-222 south to Lancaster.  There are no ideal routes, only the lesser of several "evils".  Be sure to stop at Cabela's at the intersection of I-78 and PA-61.

I would not take I-476 the whole way south to I-76.  There is major construction for the last 10 miles of I-476, with narrow lanes and aggressive drivers.

You could also take I-81 south to Harrisburg, picking up I-83 south and then PA-283 to Lancaster.  Do this only if you hit  Harisburg at midday.  I-83 on the east side of Harrisburg is congested and not RV friendly. If you choose to go this way, stay in the left lane of I-83 at all cost.  By the time you see the left exit to PA-283, you will have no time to move over if you are in the right lane.
The easiest way out of central NY to PA is via I-81, and it's a pretty drive as well as interstate-efficient. You can pick up I81 at Syracuse, about 30 miles west of Rome. Rt 12 is a decent alternate as well - have done them both.

From the junction of I81 and I78, you can get on PA 72 to Lancaster. It's an adequate road but not a great one.  If you prefer the 4 lane divided highways, stay on I81 to I83 and then take I83 and 283 into Lancaster. I83 gets city-type traffic at rush hours, but it's not a terror.

Would you stop in Hershey, PA, on the way? The "Town that Chocolate Built" is a fun stop too.
Just a FYI their is a roalroad bridge on the south side of Old Forge that will be listed in the trucking Atlas as a low bridge. It was its no longer low, no they did not raise the bridge the lowered the road.

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