better RVing magazine

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Gary RV_Wizard

Site Team
Feb 2, 2005
West Palm Beach, FL
Lazydays RV (Tampa, FL & Tucson, AZ) publishes an elegant  magazine called betterRVing, which includes a variety of articles about RVing. It typically has something for techies, tips for life on the road, destinations, RV activities, etc. And of course ads for a lot of slick RVs as well.  It's available in digital or paper format and you can subscribe if you wish or just view on the website.

The Fall 2012 issue has an excellent, high level article on under the covers RV stuff with the lengthy title "What you need to know about what makes your RV go". Oriented towards newcomers to RVing, it gives an overview of chassis types (both motorhome and towables) and maintenance needs, plus some advice like 'why you need all those manuals'.  Even those of us who think we already know a lot about RVs will probably find some interesting tidbits. One that caught my attention is a succinct description of the technical difference between a travel trailer and a fifth wheel: weight distribution.  I knew that, but never thought of it in those terms and so had never been able to summarize it so well.

You can read the digital issue here, or request a paper copy.

Past issues are also available at
Thanks for the link!  Already checking it out but I have a question.  It suggested storing the tt with the tanks dry but I was wondering why?  After I dump the tanks I will add chemicals & about 5 gallons of water to the black tank - should I be wating?  Can't help but think driving with some water in the black tank can help as it splashes around.
Not sure you need anywhere near that amount of water once the tank has been dumped for the last time unless you planning to drag it around a lot. Some is ok though as the tank has a lot of room for expansion should it freeze. I think I might like a bit of RV Antifreeze more than water 'just in case'... Chemicals?? Nah, never use them myself.
I've found the dump valves last longer if they're kept wet - either with water or antifreeze behind them as appropriate.  Over time gunk builds up on their sealing surfaces and as long as the gunk stays wet it remains pliable and the valves work as they should.  It's only when the gunk dries out and hardens that the valves get sticky and/or tear up their seals.
I usually run just a gallon of water in after emptying the tank, for the reasons Lou S. cited.  Include some antifreeze if storing in sub-freezing weather.
While at the rv show in Tampa a couple weeks ago I picked up the hard copy of that magazine. I thought it was very well done and went online to subscribe which was free. They offer a digital and a hard copy by mail option so you can get it in the format you prefer. Very nice.
It is a good magazine, but LazyDays service/maintenance is challenging, at best.
I've always had service done in the special Crown Club area, where there is more individual attention. It's mostly excellent, but I have to figure 4-5 business days minimum to get any job completed. Just have to be patient.  I've seen some negative reports from those using the regular service area and would like to learn more about the sorts of problems people have encountered. I have some good contacts with Lazydays senior management and maybe can help, both in individual cases and with general, overall improvements.

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