big foot levelers

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Bob Dugard

Active member
Nov 15, 2012
I have never operated this system before.
Getting ready for first trip in our new to us Gulf Stream motor home class A.
Thought I would practise in yard. At first could not get front levelers down figured that out.
Now I can't get rear left to go up, thought of fluid but where do I check it?
Any other ideas?

Ok three are working one rear will not go back up.
Looks like bolt or pin broke not much room under rig to work!
I can't move the RV with piston down trying to at least raise it so I can get to shop.
Any ideas?

Disconnect the two hoses from the cylinder and pry the piston back up. Hydraulic fluid will spew from the upper port as you do, so watch for it. Hold it up with bungee cord, a rope, coat hanger wire, what have you...
First, try the "emergency" raise button. My right front wouldn't come up and the "emergency" raise button lifted it. It ended up being a bad limit switch.
Thanks information was helpful.
Have the leg and pump in garage now, both solenoids are broke.
It looks like bolts holding leveller to motor home sheared off.
I have replaced solenoids and getting new bolts to put back on motor home.
The investigating I have done makes me wonder if I should be replacing my old system to a newer one?
I have watched videos and they make it look so simple not like mine. I never really was shown how to use to it properly though. Are the newer ones easier to operate?

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