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John From Detroit

Well-known member
Apr 12, 2005
Davison Michigan
I subscribe to Yahoo Alerts with the key word "Supreme Court"

This URL showed up in today's Alerts.

Interesting article about some well known folks who seem to enjoy the RV lifestyle

When we toured the Marathon/Prevost factory in Oregon last year they showed us photos of "famous" folks' RVs (they were hanging on the walls). Paul Newman's Prevost had no sleeping accomodation - it was 100% entertainment space. To each his own I guess.
Back home in Detroit Smokey... You can usually find a spot close to me by visiting a URL


It is not exact (about 2 blocks off and gets worse as you zoom in) but it's close

Some years back I was invited to the Provimi Veal/Arie Luyendyke Indy Car cocktail party at Road America. Provimi had 3 identical black and gold (Provimi colors) Prevosts - one for the party (all marble, glass, mirrors, leather, gold-plated fixtures), one for the chefs (yes, plural) to cook in, and a third for the chefs and wait staff to sleep in (they started cooking at 5 a.m.)! Arie and his wife Deanna, the Provimi big-wigs, special guests, and the crew had to suffer in luxury suites at the Ostoff Resort - poor things ;D Almost forgot - they also had a matching pull-behind genset to power everything. Had to be at least 75kW; maybe larger.

Needless to say, no brats and beer was served. Just veal picatta, veal scallopini, veal Marsala, stuffed veal breast, Wiener Schnitzel - anything and everything veal, at their hospitality tent. Must have put on 10 pounds that week. 

Thanks.  You reminded me I have to update my location.  I hate having to do that every 10 days.  Another reason I wish I had a Motosat.

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