Black Tank Flushing System Add On

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2012
I have a 2012 Winnebago 35F which does not come standard with a Black Tank Flushing/Cleaning system.  My research indicates that there are aftermarket systems which can be installed in the Black tank with a flushing port in the Sewer/Water Bay.  Anyone have any experience with these types of systems.  Apparently you hook up a water hose and then it sprays using a spinning turbo type device installed on and in the Black Tank to rinse the interior of the Tank. Approximate install cost including the spray head is $125.00
On our previous rv, we installed the tank flusher shown in the following link.  It's an easy DYI job but remember to avoid tightening the install screws into the plastic tank to much.  When used on a regular basis, it will help avoid a lot of tank problems such as buildup of solids. :eek:  Also, get a short regular hose,(25 footer should do) to flush with so you don't mistakenly use you white rv hose. ::)
We just make sure the tank is full- more fluids then solids- take a ride on the "smooth" roads we have here and come back and dump. Everything is churned/mixed- and goes down the drain. No modifications required.
I installed the one sold at Camping World.  Not hard to do, but make sure you are "up wind" when you drill the hole in the black water tank.
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