Bought a 2012 Winnebago One 30RE and loving it

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Oct 21, 2012
We bought a 2012 Winnebago One 30RE this pasted January and been loving it ever since. We've taken it out probably 12 times since then and go through withdraws when we are not camping. Not too many issues so far.

1.The water connection to the toilet leaked
2. grounding wire to the frame broke loose
3. the main slide-out leaked once in a bad blowing thunderstorm
4. a medal strap on the underside came loose.
5. the shade on the back window would not stay up.

Had been towing with a 2001 Dodge Ram 2500 with a V10, but getting 6 miles to the gallon and heading to Idaho in the near future, decided on upgrading to a 2012 Ford F250 with the power stoke diesel engine. I can not be happier with that decision. The Ford does not seem to know the TT is back there. My next trip will be over thanksgiving. Can't wait.
Hello, we just bought our 2013 30RE here about 3 weeks ago disappointed that superstorm sandy came through when we planed our first trip and we had to cancel because of the winds. we have it in storage now, but looking forward to our first trip. I did notice mine leaked a little when I brought the main slide back in when it was raining out at the rear top corner, is this where yours leaked at? also when I tow mine the entry door pops open and the fold down entry assist handle is all that is holding it closed, have you had this issue?
I'm sorry to hear that you were not able to use your RV yet. I love this TT. I bought it after seeing it on HGTV's RV 2012. This TT has everything I want in a RV. My slide out leaked just to the left of the center point when the slide out was out during a thunderstorm. You will love it when you finally get to use it. Our next trip in over thanksgiving. Have not seen too many on the road or in RV parks. Keep us informed on your adventures in you new TT and let me know if you have any questions. Hope to talk to you soon.

Now that you have joined our family, think about joining WIT (Winnebago Itasca Travelers).  We probably won't know what to do with a trailer but we can't learn any longer.

Don, WIT 70041

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