Brake components from Lippert Store or eTrailer?

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Kamper Dave

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2011
Lippert Store or eTrailer?
I was just doing some late evening shopping for Brake Components. I have you noticed that etrailer parts seem to be less expensive than Lippert? My brake shoes are grease soaked and need to be replaced and I figured on new magnets at the same time. For a few dollars more you can get the entire etrailer brake assembly. They are Dexter parts for 6,000 lb axles not Lippert for the 5,200 lb axle. Do you think they will bolt on? Has anyone experienced this?
Thanks in advance????.. Kamper Dave
I can't testify as to whether or not they're interchangable but I "think" they are.  On the other hand if it's just contamintated shoes that you're worried about, a liberal application of brake parts cleaner should do the trick.  This fall when I did my bearing repack and inspection I found two blown wheel seals and went through the same ordeal.  I hosed the contaminated ones down with a couple of cans of brake parts cleaner and they cleaned up nicely.  This was done by the way while they were still mounted on the backing plates, no need to disassemble any more than you need to.

As far as replacing components, I've found that it's a lot easier to just replace the whole shooting match and be done with it.
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