Brake Controller Question

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Nov 26, 2011
After a hiatus from motorhoming, we are "back in the saddle" with a 2011 Itasca Navion 24K.  We've taken a few trips - a speed run to Florida, short hops to San Diego - and survived the experiences!

I just picked up a car tow dolly with electric brakes for our toad (VW Jetta TDI).  The Navion Book implies it is pre-wired for brakes but is woefully short on details. 

The Tekonsha P2 seems to be the preferred controller.  Is this easy to install in the Navion?


Don't know the answer, Mark, but want to welcome you to The RVForum.

Hopefully another Navion owner can assist you. If not, a call to Winnie Customer service should get you some answers about the pre-wiring.

I found this 2007 article that says the Navion is NOT pre-wired for towing, but maybe your 2011 is.
My pride and joy is tucked away at my daughter's so I did some lurking in the groups and I found what seems to be a perfect solution.  Andy installed a Brake Controller in his '11 Navion J.  A brief summary is at:

His write-up is in the Yahoo View-NavionTech Photos section at:

As good as this seems to be, I'm sure I'll still get to slither under the coach! 

As soon as I can get into the project I'll post an update.

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