Brand New from the Austin Area

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


New member
Mar 20, 2013
Hi there! Just climbing into the RV world. I have been doing my homework but only more questions appear. My wife retires this summer and we are seriously considering snow-birding between New England & Texas for a coupe of years. We are sure we are looking for a Class C but that is where the questions begin to mount up. So I need to talk with people who have been there and done that. We are first timers so please be gentle. LOL :) all suggestions welcome.
Welcome to the Forum!

You have already discovered there is a learning curve, but when we started, we found there were very few questions that had not been discussed here by someone, sometime.

The Class C vs Class A, diesel vs gas, boondocking vs commercial parks, full time vs part time, etc. etc.

When you have exhausted the library and the search function or need clarification, you just pop up here and speak your mind! Everyone was new once!

I think you will find this Forum a very gentle and knowledgeable group - take advantage of it!

Enjoy your homework!

A Paper Texan (Escapee)

My advice is to look at as many RV's as you can.....every class imaginable, until you find a floor plan that best suits your needs.  There are a ton of them on the market right now, so don't be afraid to negotiate on the price when you find the right one.  Don't be in a hurry....take your time, ask lots of questions, and you'll be able to find the RV that is right for you.

There are hundreds of members on here with vast knowledge, and they're happy to share.  Let the adventure begin!

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