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New member
Jan 29, 2013
Well, I just joined this forum.  I am hoping to be able to gather information from all of you.  I am in a situation where I need to purchase an RV to become my home.  So, I am here to find out what to look for in purchasing a used RV, and if it is possible to hook up to a well and drainfield.
You've come to the right place!  Check out the forum Library (button on the menu bar) for checklists and hints for buying a new or used RV. Since you plan to live in it rather than travel, a trailer is probably the better choice - no point in maintaining an engine and paying vehicle liability insurance. You could also use a RV park  model if you like (they are designed to remain in one place rather than tow).

Sure, you can hook up to a well and septic system.
Thanks for the encouraging reply.  Now I just have to arrange finances to also hook up to well and septic.  I need to be out of my current house trailer yesterday.
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