Briefcase In Use on Another Computer

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2005
Im running IE7 and try to open a webpage link I have saved on my pc.

I get the message " Briefcase In Use on Another Computer, close it...."

But I havent got another computer.

What am I missing please ?

Paul  I saw that on mine too, but I didn't do anything except reboot and it went away and never returned.  Thought I did sometime wrong but it still is functioning.
Since you are running IE7, I'm guessing you were online at the time, maybe even using a wifi network. If so, there indeed are other computers connected to yours and I suppose Windows may have detected some networking activity. Conceivably (though unlikely) somebody may have established a Remote Connection to your system.  I'd make sure that I had file and printer sharing disabled and the Windows firewall enabled on whatever network connection you are using.

If you have recently used a Synchronization tool to sync up files, even to a removable disk or memory card, this can sometimes leave a file sync operation in limbo and generate this sort of message.

Have you ever used Briefcase for anything on this computer?
Hi Gary

Ive used briefcase to store groups of folders all the time.

I can click on, say, my 1000 trails weblink and it works, but if I try the one to access the discoveryowners web it doesnt.

I can click on, say, my 1000 trails weblink and it works, but if I try the one to access the discoveryowners web it doesnt.

That suggests and incomplete folder sync operation, then. There may be a pending action for some folder that is related somehow to that link and Briefcase is still trying to do something with it.  Something arcane, no doubt. 

Try creating another shortcut to the same page, storing that shortcut somewhere else, and see if it still gets the Briefcase error message. You may have to delete that link or maybe even the folder it is stored in to clear the problem. Or run Briefcase again so it can finish up?  I don't know - I stopped using Briefcase because of these bizarre things that happen occasionally.  I just copy whatever files and folders I want manually, cause then I know what  I'm doing and how - no Windows magic involved!  :eek:
NO !!!

I have around 100 different links to do with researching our import into the UK.

Please dont suggest I have to manually re do them all.

They were all working OK until I changed to IE7

Hopefully, it may be a "bug" that IE get sorted in a week or so.

Fingers Crossed !!



Someone on another caravanning forum upgraded their Firefox browser to the new 2.0v and they lost all their bookmarks as they call them on FF,another member suggested he visit this link

I know its not IE7 but the problem and solution may be similar?
When I upgraded to FF 2.0 it snagged my 1.x bookmark file just fine.

of course I do back up my bookmarks often just in case, In fact I back them up to a different computer (It shares) this is the master
When someone loses their bookmarks in Firefox, it's almost always because they created a new profile.  If you start Firefox with the command:

firefox.exe -P

it will run the profile manager and you can select the old profile that contains all the previous bookmarks, extensions, and other customizations.  Even if the bookmark.html file is corrupted, Firefox keeps several generations of history on the file.  See the Firefox help site for information on how to locate the profile folder and the bookmark history files.

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