Brincks heading west...

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Bob Maxwell

Moderator Emeritus
Feb 1, 2005
Holbrook, Arizona

Do you have any idea forming as to your route west?

Be aware that from long experience there is usually some kind of massive cold front with either snow or very cold rain that arises in the central or southern Rockies  and heads for the midwest. That's why from IN, to NE to here the folk wisdom is never change out of your snow tires until April 15. Many are the Palm Sunday or Easter outfits that have ended up under a parka or rain coat!

We'd love to see you here in Central NM.
Only the germ of an idea at this time, Bob.  That plan that is forming up is to head to Branson, MO from our home base in Florida and spend a few days there, meeting up with Linda & Paul DeMars. Maybe stay there 4/17-4/20.  Then proceed to Moab, probably via I70,  to say hello to the forum group there, maybe arriving about 4/26 and staying 3-4 days. Have to leave for Moses Lake, WA, by 5/1, though. Head up I15 to I90 or maybe US95.

None of this is even wet concrete at this point, but it's what we are hoping to do.

We sure hope you can join us at the Moab Rally.  Better call Portal and make reservations and on the list for a site.
There's always room in the field for a night or two.

When we went to Moab last year, we went over 70 from Denver. We went over the summit at Vail in a snow storm and the road was closed behinds us for a day. This was on April 27 & 28th, 2005. We spent the night of the 27th in the Vail rest area and got snowed on. Then got to Gand Junction, Co by noon and had shirt sleve weather.

We can "play the field" if we need to, but a little electric would be handy if we can get it.  I've sent in a reservation request to Portal, so will see what happens.

When we went to Moab last year, we went over 70 from Denver. We went over the summit at Vail in a snow storm and the road was closed behinds us for a day. This was on April 27 & 28th, 2005. We spent the night of the 27th in the Vail rest area and got snowed on. Then got to Gand Junction, Co by noon and had shirt sleve weather.

Yeah, I'm familiar with that sort of weather risk out there. Got snowed in on the western side once ourselves and had to detour way south to find an open pass.  Not any real alternatives, though, that I can see, so I guess we will just have to check the weather when we get to Denver and see what is happening.  Anybody have an alternate route for a back-up plan?

or you could go up NM 550 from Bernalillo [just n. of Alb] and as you travel nw stop at Chaco Canyon, a historical site not to be missed. PBS has a wonderful program on Chaco that they run about every 18 months.
You could always go across 40 to Gallup and then north to Moab.

Since we'll be coming from Branson, MO, I-40 is a bit of a southern detour but not too bad.  And it does have the advantage of going through someof our favorite areas of the country.  I'll consider it. Don't have to decide until we leave Branson.

Won't have time this trip to stop at Chaco, unless we skip Moab instead.  :'(  This is more of a commute to work than a tour!
RV Roamer said:
Since we'll be coming from Branson, MO, I-40 is a bit of a southern detour but not too bad.  And it does have the advantage of going through someof our favorite areas of the country.  I'll consider it. Don't have to decide until we leave Branson.

Won't have time this trip to stop at Chaco, unless we skip Moab instead.  :'(  This is more of a commute to work than a tour!

Where are you going to stay in Branson? We'll be heading there in May for a few days on the way west.
BruceinFL said:
Where are you going to stay in Branson? We'll be heading there in May for a few days on the way west.


We have stayed at Turkey Creek RV Village twice, an Escapees Park. It's listed under Hollister, MO in most guides.

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