Bubbling laminate a problem?

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Jul 14, 2015
Hi all.. I am thinking about looking at a camper for sale. I noticed the laminate bubbling near back side. He said it is dry and solid on the inside. Would you consider this an issue? Does this mean water got behind it or did the laminate just come unstuck? Any feedback would be appreciated....


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Either or. It could have just delaminated but I would be looking hard as if water got in there at one time. He's going to say whatever it takes to get rid of this RV. If you really like it, I would get it professionally inspected prior to purchasing. He'll tell you of any problems with it.
It's possible the delamination was simple glue failure - that happened all-too-often back in the mid-90's (bit not so much later on). More likley though, it is water penetration. Even that is not necessarily a disaster if the leak is properly fixed - more of a cosmetic problem if the inner wall is dry and firm, no floor damage, etc.  But it needs to be checked out carefully. And of course the price should reflect the damage and the fact that many potential buyers won't even consider it.
Last year I bought a new 5er, 2019 model. There were two on the lot, both same make, model, manufacture, etc. The only difference was one had darker furniture and the other lighter (cream) colored furniture. The wife liked the darker and that's the unit we bought. While I had the unit in to get the awning controller replaced under warranty, I noticed the other unit was in for repairs. It had several spots that delaminated. Big spots that delaminated. It happens. I asked the head service tech about it. He told me the way to tell the difference is to push on it. If it feels like it wants to stick, it delaminated. If it feels soft, its water damage. He said the number one maintenance item is maintaining the roof and window seals. Keep the water out and the rest is easy stuff.

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